by Aveline
This is just a short poem about my home island.
It is a mystical place,
The sun shines a lot here,
But the rain pours too,
You hear the sound of the seagulls calling,
You see the cragginess of the granite rocks,
weather worn and sea worn,
You feel the warm breezes and experience the hope,
This place is friendly but it keeps itself apart,
It is beautiful and fair but has an unplaceable undertone,
It is soft but it is hard at the same time,
You feel the sand of the beach underfoot and the grass of the park,
It is many colours but green and red stand to mind,
You can taste it in every bite of food,
You can touch in whenever you want,
It is always here and it will never leave,
It is a place i will always find in my heart to forgive even if it does me wrong,
It is my heart and whoever tries to part me from it,
It is my home.