A Starlit Dreamer

Naomie felt quite foolish as she knocked timidly on his door. She had been a sworn enemy with this boy since she came in first grade. And if your enemies for five years it should stay this way. She knocked once more.

He yelled in a tired voice "who is it?"

"Naomie, I need to talk to you."

He swung the door open more than a little irritated. "I'm packing and I'm dead tired." Naomie started to leave. "So you weren't going to say something rude?"

"No I was going to tell you something." He wiped his face in smiled in a silent apology. "Come in then" an arm gesture pulled her into his room and sat her down on his bed. The room was almost like hers except for empty. The closet formerly filled with uniforms, jeans, and t-shirts was bare. The bed bore no blankets and there were piles of books stacked in boxes. "All packed?"

"Almost!" He would occasionally bend down to pick up objects and place them in boxes observing the room. Scanning it looking for every last scrap.

"Do you know if this is the right choice?" Her voice was rushed as if she was afraid of the words coming form her mouth.

"What right choice?"

"The adoptive family." His face screwed up into a look of bewilderment.

"They said they liked me and I like them I'm sure I'll be safe. Now if you could-."

"That's what they all say" Naomie muttered.

"Excuse me?" He was once again being polite.

"David I came here from an adoptive family. My father made me call him master, would not send me to school, and took advantage of my mother. I just don't trust this whole system okay!"

"Slow down Naomie. Now what happened."

"In short I never had a family. I was beaten if I did or said something wrong. My mother couldn't stop my father and I was left to starve. My father just left me in the house taking my mother with him. I don't know where they are or how he is treating my mother."

"Is that why you asked me about the right decision?" She looked up and stared into his face. It was a mix of sympathy and hatred. "Yes."

"Well I'm pretty sure they're safe. You can meet them if you like tomorrow when the pick me up."

"I still can't believe that you're not going to be here tomorrow."

"I know. It's so strange I thought I would be here forever."

Naomie laughed "you. You are too much of a busy body to be stuck here. I'm fine here I'm not prone to take adventures."

David looked at her hiding sympathy behind his big brown eyes his mossy hair also hiding the hatred for the father. He had forced her to call him master David was anything but happy.

"Naomie I'm sorry for bugging you I didn't know the situation."

"It's alright. I f you hadn't I probably wouldn't have told you tonight." It was silent for a while than Naomie helped him with packing until it was finished.

"Well good night" he called quietly after her. She waved back at him. Slowing down she walked to her door and sighed as the lock clicked. It was done she had told David and she had made a new friend. Within an hour she had met someone that she trusted more than her best friends.