Whispers of Lullaby
Summer may dissolve from the eye of the day,
Effaced by Nature as the edges began to fray,
In a friction of second or in a moment of despair,
Or when the flames within you failed to flare
Fear not, my child, fear not,
Hold my hand and I shall unravel the knots.
When the path you walked on is an escarpment
Vaulted by the mere image of disillusionment
In the wavering distance where darkness dwells:
A barren wilderness cast by an evil spell –
Fear not, my child, fear not,
Hold my hand and I shall ease your thoughts.
Eden – a majestic palace held forevermore
By the seraphic beauty of plaintive melodies
But you, my child, alone you shall soar
Through the fertile land of old-forgotten phantasies,
Upon the fledged wings in your own zeppelin
With utmost grace and infinite fluency.
And I, my child, shall watch you from behind
With never a tongue, humming pieces of hymns –
"Sleep tight, my child, sleep tight,
May sweet dreams suffuse your mind tonight."
I was very sick when I wrote this. Please be gentle.