Hello me
Hello you
You killed me
I killed you?
No, murder?
But you killed me!
No I killed you.
Who's that
That's me
No, you!
That man there
No there!
He's you
But I'm me
It's a mirror
So you say
How do I know that?
Because he is you.
Is he friendly?
I don't know ask me that.
You always hurt me
Why you didn't do anything.
But I did!
Well I didn't
But he did.
Yes he did.
Why does he stare?
I do not know.
He wants something
To be free
No a….'friend'
A friend?
A friend.
We can be his friend.
Don't you mean I?
I mean we!
Which is I
But I is we and we is I
So I was right
Yes I was.
Let us go
Where and why
I do not know
Goodbye me
Got to go