About 1000 years ago…
I am your destiny. I am your will. I am your mind. I am you.
"Die!" The blade came down.
"No you don't." Another blade intercepted the blade's path. The air sounded with a loud ring as the metals touched against each other.
Summoned by death. Nothing more.
A young man standing on a cliff next to a body. His sword was embedded in the body. Blood had long since gushed out and dried. The young man shrugged and looked at the setting sun. "So, this is the way it is?" He sighed and wretched the blade out from the body. "So be it." He flung the blade away from himself far away through the sky into the clouds. It was a tiny speck in the orange air. He stared after it.
Fly with the wind, boy. Fly.
The young man stepped up to the edge of the cliff and spread him arms as a bird does with its wings. He looked downwards. Then, he closed his eyes, shutting their tightly. He jumped. His figure hurtled through the air toward the jagged abyss, breaking the sound barrier as the wind shrieked by him.
Fare well, little boy. Fare well.