You think I have an easy life
It's true
My life is full of luxuries
And richness abound
But this
You see
Is all on the outside
It's true
I don't have to do much
Barely anything at all
But this
You see
Is all on the outside
In life
I do nearly nothing
You see
It is all on the inside
The work I do
You see
Is mental
All on the inside
I see things
And hear things
As I apear to be normal
Just seperated from the pack
But on the inside
I process everything I see and hear
Make mental note
Become a spy
I apear on the outside
Much as those so called "sheep"
But you see
My friends
They look nothing like it
"You can judge someone by thier friends"
It is true
My friends are different
As am I
Though I look no different
But by listening
You see
I pick up things that can be consideredt helpful
This trait
That we call spying
Can be useful
To those like me
Who can put together
Those tidbits
Like a jigsaw puzzle
So my "easy" life
Isn't really easy
I am always straining
To put things together
And also straining
To help my friends
In the way that is most helpful
Slapping sense in
Being a shoulder to cry on
Or just helping to anchor them
In this way
I am much stronger
In a mental state
But that is only in certin areas
Because of my physically unchallanging life
I am much weaker that most
but stronger than some
So do not
I beg
Judge a book by it's cover
And always beware
Of those in your midst
Because you never know
When you may find one like me
A spy...
A/N I know, This one is strange compared to those I normally write, but stick with it. It also seems to change topics in a way. I just wrote what I felt, not what my head told me was logical. And those who have reviewed before. Thank you! R&R please! It may put me in a good mood, or in a poetry mood so that I write more...And it'll let me get better and better. You never know, one day I may publish these, When I get enough, and you may be on my list of thank yous. I love bribing people...It's just so fun...