, there's a sad story behind this one. You see, there used to be this kickass message board called IZOA (invader zim obsessive anonymous). It went so much beyond the cartoon (Invader Zim) that it was dedicated to, however. One day, we decided to make our OWN cartoon. It takes place in a high school with hitlerific rules (hence the title.)

Sadly, the board died before the first episode was finished. I will finish the first one on my own, then I may do more if I get some good reviews.

So this fic is dedicated to IZOA, and I give honorary credit for this fic to everyone there, even if they didn't help.

Okay, some info first:

Nienna- Your stereotypical goth. Its funny, because goths feel pain, obligating us to laugh at them.

Skiz- That kid who always thought that lump in his flesh was an alien implant, instead, as it simply turns out to be, cancer.

Dave-Geek-boy with an attitude! Minus the attitude.

Angel- Bitch, plain and simple, with no added ingredients. Mmm, taste that wholesome bitch additive.

Lakai-One of those skating freaks that nobody, but NOBODY, respects at all.

First episode starts out with Nienna moving into the Nazi High neighborhood.


*see shiny new conforming-looking home*

Nienna: Mom? I dont like this soulless, cultural wasteland.

Nienna's Mom: Honey, you know I'd comfort you, but I really couldn't care less.

Nienna: There's something not quite right about this place... *stares at rows after rows of houses that look exactly the same*

Nienna's Dad: Dont complain! We paid big money for that ant-like conformity.

Nienna: Whatever...

Nienna's Mom: Look, honey, here come some neighbors. And they've got kids! GO MAKE SOME GODDAMN FRIENDS! Woopsy, mommy needs her medication.

*Angel and her family walks up*

Angel's parents: *talking at the same time* Welcome, neighbor! We made a jello mold for you!

*see jello mold of clenched, gauntleted fist*

Nienna: So, uh...I guess I'm your neighbor.

Angel: Yeah, isnt that a bitch. I can tolerate your presence as long as you stay indoors between 12 PM and 12 PM.

Nienna: What?!

Angel: If you DO have to go outside, like, if your house is on fire, I have a baggy you can place over your head.

Nienna: So...you're a bitch, huh.

Angel: Oh no you dint!

Nienna: IT'S DIDN'T! WITH A 'D'!

Angel: Pointing out my stupidity, eh? Just who do you think you are? Do you know who I am? WHAT KIND OF POWER I HOLD?!

Nienna: Well...no, I just got here today.

Angel: You'll see in school tommorrow just how big of a mistake you've made.

Nienna: Yeah, I'm sure.

Angel: *storms off*

Nienna's Mom: Did you just scare of the neighbors kid with your logic and reasoning? Why dont you make any friends at all?!

Nienna: I HAD friends at my OLD school...

*remembering sequence*

*see Nienna standing around a table with a bunch of other goths*

Gothguy: Yeah.

Nienna: Yup.

Gothgirl: Yah.

Nienna: We...have nothing to talk about, do we.

Gothguy: Yeah.


Nienna: *tears in her eyes* Those were my BEST FRIENDS. Now I never get to see them again!

Nienna's Mom: Oh, boo-frickety-hoo.

Nienna's Dad: Why dont you go write some poetry about it? *laughs*

Nienna: I already did...pages and pages...but then, you burned my journal for firewood.

*suddenly, scene of Nienna and her parents arguing on her lawn changes into scene of Skiz and Dave looking though binoculars. Know how I mean...like, when it...yeah, you know what I mean.*

Skiz: New neighbors, eh?

Dave: That doesnt neccesarily mean anything.

Skiz: Yesh, but look at those dark clothes...non-blonde hair...non-blue eyes...I bet you she's a vampire.

Dave: Skiz, she's standing right in the sun.

Skiz: GASP! Dave, do you know what this means?! The vampires have found a way to SURVIVE IN THE SUN! MANKIND IS DOOMED!

Dave: Uh-

Skiz: Maybe this is just a new genetic strain...in any case, aren't you glad we spent saturday afternoon carving wooden stakes and making garlic necklaces?

Dave: No.

Skiz: We have to eliminate this threat before she turns the whole town into sun-tolerant vampires! *lifts stake*

Dave: SKIZ! Wait! She'll be at school tomorrow, get her then. Right now, we have to deal with the super-intelligent rodents that are taking over your house, remember?

Skiz: AH, yes. *turns around, see a hamster tied into a hamster-sized chair*


Hamster:*says nothing*

Skiz: You have to make this messy, huh? Dave, get my metal-bristled electric toothbrush.

*zoom out of Skiz's window, hear whirring and frantic squeaking inside*


The next day, at school...(Mind you, this starts at the first day of school.)

*Setting: Assembly Hall, students speak to each other. Dave and Skiz sitting behind Nienna. Skiz wears an X-Files T-shirt, Dave wears a Star Trek uniform. Nienna in basic Goth attire.*

Skiz: Look at her. Sitting.

Dave: So what? Everyone sits.

Skiz: Yeah, but look at her. It's just...DIFFERENT.

Dave: No it's not.

Skiz: (shifty eyes toward Dave, eyes become slits, play evil music in BG, eyes move towards Nienna) Now, let's save our school. *takes out garlic, throws it at Nienna's head.*

Ni: *slowly turns around with garlic in hand* Is this yours?

Skiz: (shifty eyes, surprised look, irregular breathing) Er, uh, no...

Ni: Whatever. (beans Skiz with garlic, Skiz collapses.)

Dave: Since when did they paint swastikas on the curtains?


Dave: Ok, you were right. Now shut the hell up.


*students pay no heed*

Administrator: SHUT THE F*CK UP!

*students are oblivious*

Administrator: *shoots off rocket towards ceiling. Students promtly shut up.* As you know, ever since Ms. Juwana was caught smoking marijuana in her office, we have had to do with meaningless figureheads weilding no power whatsoever. Now, we have a real principal! Introducing: HERR ARSCHLOCH!

Arschloch: Danke to ze school board's cooperation- (screaming in background, followed by gunshot) I am now ze principal, superintendent, und school board of zis institution. As such, it vill be renamed "Heinrich Himmler Memorial High School, and I am now your leader. Under my superveezion, ve vill conquer ze INFERIOR, tree-hugging administration set up by Frauline Juwana, and rise to become ze SUPERIOR SCHOOL DISTRICT! (bangs fist on podium that appeared out of thin air) JAVOL! VE VILL HAVE VICTORY!

Students: (look at flashing, applause-esque "HEIL!" sign) HEIL!

Lakai: Uh... hail?

Arschloch: (ignoring Lakai) VICTORY!

Students: HEIL!

Lakai: HAIL!

Arschloch: VICT-vait, which of you ist saying "hail?"

Lakai: (naively) Ooh! Me!

Arschloch: DETENTION! (armed thugs carry Lakai off) Anyvays... VICTORY!

Students: HEIL!

Lakai: Dammit, detention on the first day of school? Again?

Armed thug: I'll see you after school.

Lakai: Dude, I know you. We went to sk8board camp together.

Kid: NO! You KNEW the old me. You dont KNOW me anymore.

Lakai:...I just saw you yesterday.

Kid: Perhaps. But now, I have to confiscate your skateboard.

Lakai: NOOOOOOOOOOOO *scream can be heard echoing around school*

*********See classrooms***********

Teacher: Hello, I'm your kindly homeroom teacher. I'd just like to compliment the new administration on being so diverese...they even gave me this little pin to wear to celebrate my jewish background!

*Armed thugs walk in, drag off teacher*

*everyone stares*

Lakai: You know, the random interrogations...the anti-semitic views...the horrifying detention camps...does this remind anyone of anything?

*complete silence*

Nienna: Ford motors? *New teacher walks in*

Teacher: *french accent*Allo. I used to be an algebra teacher, but the occupying administration has placed me here. In homeroom. *bitterly*Where my talents go to waste. I see we have a new student this year. Nienna?

Skiz: *narrows eyes* Dave, I think the school is being taken over by overly stereotypical Europeans.

Dave: *rolls eyes*

Nienna: Yes, I'm Nienna. *sarcastically* It really makes me feel accepted when you single me out as the new one.

Skiz: Hey look! Its the garlic-tolerant, sun-resistant vampire! *lifts stake* Lets see her find some clever way to avoid this!

Dave: Skiz, uh-

Teacher: Why dont you come up here and tell us something about yourself?

Nienna: ...why? What is this, middle school?

Skiz: *has been sneaking out of his seat and within jumping range of Nienna*

Teacher: Just get the hell up here. *mutters under breath* Bitch.

Nienna: Fine *gets up just As Skiz leaps with the stake*

Skiz: *lands on Niennas desk, which breaks, and then for no reason, catches on fire* AHHHH! AHHHHHHH!

Nienna: *stares* Wow...first day here, and someone's already trying to kill me. I'm going to have one hell of a self-pitying session tonight.

*bell rings*

Teacher: Thank God...

*everyone leaves*

Skiz: *still on fire* OH MY GOD, WHY DOESN'T ANYONE HELP ME!

Dave: *dumps water on Skiz*

Skiz: Thanks. Did you see that, Dave? Did you see how she used her vampiric mind-reading powers to dodge my attack?!

Dave: Skiz, it was just your horrible timing that resulted in your cartoonish accident, and-wait, since when did vampires have the power to read minds?

Skiz: Ever since Nienna demonstrated that she had them.

Dave: *stares*

Skiz: What?!


Nienna: *walking through hallway*

Angel: HEY, BITCH!

*all the girls in the hallway look toward Angel except for Nienna*


Nienna: *looks around* Oh, hi.

Angel: THats what I thought! You should be scared now!

Nienna: What, are you going to beat me to death with your twiggy little arms?

Angel: Th..they aren't tw...twiggy...wait. Now I'm on my home turf! You shouldn't have insulted me yesterday. I told you I was popular! And from now on, I'm going to make your life a living hell.

Nienna: Hey, that's the title of my journal! *pulls out diary with Jhonen- esque little doodles all over it, with the words "My life is a living hell" on it*

Angel: You just wait till lunch.

Nienna: Oh, you eat lunch? So your bulimic, instead of anorexic.


Hollah back, young'n. Next chappie will be up maybe sometime soon, If I feel like it. If you don't review, I'm afraid I'll have to let my ex-despot loose on you.

Saddam: Growl.