Author's Note

I just thought it was time that I say thank you to ALL OF MY REVIEWERS FROM THE LAST PART SO FAR. You guys are the greatest, and each one of your reviews makes my day. Especially this one:

"your idea of humor is highly moronic and needs refinement, i know toddlers that write with more intellegence than you. i applaud random stories, and sometimes they are the best, but only if they have thought and are written like someone with an i.q. higher than that of a bar of soap. if you want to be a RESPECTED writer you should act older, and write that way too."

Thank you, M. R. EI! That review was one of the best I've ever received. And I'm not talking about the fact that your lack of correct spelling and proper English, etc., makes me seem like a university professor (though that was actually quite amusing), but about the fact that that was my first unfavourable review I've ever received, and I'm sure you will be glad to know that it was welcomed with open arms, and much laughter. I especially like the part about the bar of soap. Well said.

Oort: No, I actually don't get any of my ideas from Gary Larson's cartoons, although I am a HUGE FAN of his work. So a lot of my stories probably reflect that, lol. :D

OceanChild : "glee and anticipation" – Yay! This made me laugh, because "glee" is such a funny word. Thank you!

Cote – I am The Grape: XD Your review amuses me. Thank you muchly. :D

Ambush Commander: But what about the turtles? You can't forget about them, you know. For when the spaghetti turns green, they ATTACK. Just watch out for the blue paint.

Yes, randomness rocks. :D

And thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to NatashaRostof and Savin, once again! Your reviews have been enormously encouraging, and much rejoicing follows the reading of each one of them.

Now that the summer's over, I shall be updating much more frequently. I've already got plenty of stories that I wrote before the summer, and they will be published ASAP.

Thanks again! And keep reading, M. R. EI!
