In the post-modern world of the year (sometime in da future lol) where science and logic governed the lives of all beings residing on the planet, the newly achieved balance between science, mankind, and nature was disrupted. The forgotten Goddess once again took her steps upon the unfamiliar earth.
All at once, a strange phenomena stretched from sea to sea, covering the world in a blanket of 'supernatural' occurences. Mermaids were spotted lounging on the rocks of the Hawaiian coast,. Priests and Doctors were reputed to have gained the power to heal with their hands, other humans gained the power to spread flames from their very fingertips, or freeze objects with a thought.
Creatures that could only be described as Unicorns and Pegasi were being born from horses, children emerged from the wombs of human mothers as elves, giants, or faeries, a pheonix hatching from a speckled egg in the abandoned nest of a vulture... Such happenings had become regular occurences in the real world, no longer were they stories for the ones who could dream them up and publish them in fantasy books.
Magic users were once again being born into this world, the mythical creatures of the past were reclaiming their places, and, for once in the lives of the billions who depended on the guiding force of logic for an answer, science was at a loss. Only the pagans, the old Wiccans, the even more ancient druids, witches, and sorcerers who had worshipped secretly to the Goddess and kept hope alive through their prophecies, held the answers to the reasoning behind all these strange events.
They uncovered long forgotten history, that went as this; the beliefs of the ancient Greeks and Romans that humankind and Gods were the only truly intelligent beings had such an impact that it first forced the Elves, Dwarves and other humanoid species underground, and later with the emergence of the idea of a singular God who ruled all things, so cast out were the users of magic and mythicals. All creatures who would create their own fate and go against the will of this new 'God' were nearly abolished.
Finally, It was Catholicism that did Magic in, there took place the launching of the witch hunts, resulting in not only the death of countless innocent humans, but the near obliteration of all magic as we knew it...
All of the worlds remaining magics had been forced into submission beneath the crust of the earth itself, supressed by the righteous ideaology of the Christians, and was locked away, never again was there to be seen a true magical creature on this Earth.
But what was done could not be undone, and after many millenia, where the power grew to the point where it could no longer be contained, Magic broke loose. The ancient power that was too great to be truly defeated would now seek the pure vessels of unborn children, animals, and even the elements themselves for it's reemergence, beings born of pure Fire, Water, Air and Earth walked the planet, and the myth was once again born into reality.
thats about all i have for now, and thats all i'd like to give away until i can actually make it into an rpg...