AN: This is m/m, R for suggestive blowing and sucking.

"Oh, come on Robby, I'm bored, and I want to go dancing!" Kyle tugged insistently on Rob's elbow.

"You can dance here."

"No, I need, people to dance with."

"Kyle, there's a reason why we don't dance with you." Rob pulled his arm away, turning back to the GameBoy in his hand.

"Ugh." Kyle got up from the couch, pacing across the room. "I just want to dance." He knelt down on the floor, "God, please..."

The doorbell rang.

"Yeah!" Kyle slid into the hall, almost slamming into the door as he reached it. He swung opne the door and...

Michael and Grant.

Kyle turned, falling to his knees once again. "Something better please!"

Grant stepped around Kyle, sliding his glasses down his nose to stare. "Right."

"Hey, Kyle, did you - oh."

Grant smiled and Rob blushed bright red.


Kyle gagged to the side, ignoring Rob's glare.

"Um, why don't we go upstairs, to my room. Oh! To, um..."

Grant touched Rob's cheek, "I know what you mean."

Kyle watched them, waiting until they were up the stairs before turning back to Michael, a mischevious look in his eyes.

"Dance with me."


Michael shifted, raising an eyebrow as Kyle pressed buttons in the stereo. How he had ever ended up in this position was a wonder.

"OK." Kyle touched Michael's hand lightly.

A fast beat techno song seeped from the speakers, softly at first before gaining both tempo and volume.


Kyle slid closer to Michael, pressing his thighs to Michael's and wrapped an arm loosely around his neck.


Michael shook his head, although his hands itched to grab Kyle by the waist. There was a hot breath on his ear as Kyle locked his chin on Michael's shoulder.

"Dance with me."

Michael closed his eyes, untensing his muscles as he let the rythym of the music infiltrate his brain.

"There you go."

A few more soft whispers and Michael could feel the other man's hot little body move against is, grinding, and touching, and moving. A pair of hands slid from Michael's waist, up to his chest, and around his neck. A quick snap of Kyle's hips and Michael stumbled backwards, the backs of his thighs pressed against the armrest of the couch.

"Don't let me lead."

Michael moved forward, keeping his eyes closed and reached for Kyle blindly. The soft feeling of skin and the wet sensation of Kyle's tongue as he passed over his mouth with the tips of his fingers.

"Do you want me to lead?"

Michael nodded.


Michael was pressed back against the wall, moving into Kyle's hands as he stroked the side of his face.

"Don't open your eyes."

An affirmative little grunt.

The hot, wet slide of Kyle's lips against Michael's neck tested his ability to keep his eyes closed, as did the warm hands unzipping and tugging down Michael's jeans.

"Keep them closed."

Kyle's mouth was warm and almost sweet as it closed over Michael''s cock, his hands resting with pressure against Michael's thighs to steady him. Eyes still tightly shut Michael could feel himself against the wall as Kyle's mouth sucked harder. Hands curled themselves lightly around his balls and he bit his lip against the groan that threatened to release.

Oh God, and then he was coming, a low whimper escaping his mouth as Kyle swallowed and swallowed. He touched the top of Kyle's head as he sank against the wall, drawing a knee up to his chest. Kyle pressed his mouth quickly to Michael's before he stood and left, turning off the music as he passed the stereo.

With shaky hands Michael pulled at his pants, still too jittery to do anything but drape them over his lap.

"Hey, Mikey, where did you...' Grant raised an eyebrow, Michael only waving a weak hand at him.

Rob walked up behind Grant, shirt mussed and neck red with lovebites. Taking in the state of Michael he shook his head and adjusted his shirt.

"That's why we don't dance with Kyle."

~The End~
