Forgotten Souls

Inspired by the Holocaust Museum, Washington, D.C.

In honor of all the victims of the Holocaust

Mounds of shoes, cracked and faded

Indifferent soles and laces

Shoes, gray and dirty, like beggars feet

Covered in ashes
Gray, black mixed with white

Gray, right mixed with wrong

Shoes: remains of a battle

Torn off the feet of the soldiers that never stopped fighting

They are the truth, the reality, the severity

They make your soul disintegrate into darkness

They are all that matters; they are the remnants

They trudged the steps of faith and hopelessness

My soul has been wrenched from my body

Ground under the heel of those forgotten shoes

They beat dully in my head

Relentless in their grief

They are despair and death

Eternity and endless life

They survived

The withered shoes of a withered people