I pressed my hand to the cold tiles of the shower, blinking as the hot water ran into my eyes. I wiped the water out of my face and leaned my forehead against the wall.
(Stupid girl. Stupid, stupid girl. Do you ever listen to yourself when you talk? Don't you ever hear how dumb you sound? I didn't raise you to be like this. Maybe that's your father's side talking...)
I clutched my ears, shut up, shut up, shut up.
I reached over and grabbed the shampoo, pouring out some into my hand. I rubbed it into my hair, lathering it up until I could feel the mass of silky bubbles against my fingers.
(Why don't you ever think before you speak? Are you just dumb? Do you want to hurt people? Why don't you just listen? Maybe you wouldn't sound so ignorant!)
"Shut up, shut up..."
I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, accidentally getting some into my eye. I turned back to face the water, keeping my eye opened as I cleansed it.
(She's not very pretty is she? Look at those ears. God, she's so plain. Why don't you try to make yourself look better? Maybe someone would actually like you.)
"Why would I care about someone who's gonna like me for my looks only?"
I poured out some of the conditioner. I stared at the pearl like color, poking my finger into the top of the swirl. I smeared it over my fingers, ruining the perfection of the dollop.
I spread it throughout my hair, running it through the strands as I read the back of the bottle.
'For a deeper conditioning, leave on for 3 to 4 minutes.'
"Okie dokie."
(I guess all she's good for is her smarts, huh? Not worth knowing her. Who wants to be her friend? She acts like a smartass the whole time.)
I poured some of the shower gel into my hands, some spilling out onto the bottom of the bath tub. I rubbed the soap between my fingers, watching the bubbles appear.
(Shut up you stupid girl! God, you don't know anything! Why don't you get some sense? How come you have to be rude to people all of the time?)
"I'm not rude, you people make me act like that."
I rinsed my hands off and then turned backwards to get my hair. Rubbing all of the conditioner out. I sighed to myself and reached up to get some more shower gel. My first attempt at cleaning myself had failed. Second mission. Do not allow any mishaps soldier.
I mocked saluted to myself. "No sir."
(She likes to steal friends.)
Do not.
(She's such a rude person.)
You act stupid, you get rude.
(She doesn't make a good friend."
That's what you think.
(Everyone hates her.)
...they do?
(Shh, here she comes, don't talk to her. We're better than her. She's such a wimp.)
Shut up, shut up, shut up.
I reached for the gel, my fingers knocking into something else.
I looked up.
My razor.
My razor.
I reached for it.
I know.