i hate my love
that disgusting entity
that seems to coexist painfully within
the mortal shell of my body the house of my soul
the capsule that love seeks ever to break and trod underfoot
but as yet i have managed to keep it
inside and in chains
wolfish howls of despair and wrath
lonely moments of wrenching compassion
it sheds tears on its chains
cries that it is so hated
hated for its very being
its love
love of humanity
of life
love of the universe
that it must keep hidden
from those upon whom it would bestow itself
and I, I must distance myself from my love
lest the vultures of the earth descend
make my life into the ultimate hell
as yet I am free in that aspect
not admitted to loving
yet my love and I admit one thing together
together alone in the dark we shout it to the sky
I love you
It cannot be possible but I love you
My heart and my mind embrace
The fire and ice of loving unrequited, unadmitted
I dry the tears on the chains of the wolf
My hands to his face his eyes to the sky
Light on me
Our souls together
loving each other, knowing that never
will YOU
the one who sent us fleeing here
you will never know the truth.
That is how much I love you.