After Andrew had driven half way to his house it seemed as if they had run out of things to say, a strange silence hung in the air. Samantha's worries about what his parents would think of her began to grow when he pulled into the driveway leading to the perfect little brick house. The lawn was just as perfect; everything was in its place. There was no hose on the ground, dry patches in the grass and every flower in their garden was pink, white, or red.
" I like your house" Samantha lied hating the quaint little picture of a Leave it To Beaver life style it possessed.
" Thanks" he said with a large smile as he parked the car. He went to the other side and opened Samantha's door. They walked up to the side door.
" Well here we go," he said as they walked inside what looked to be the kitchen. The kitchen, with its little off-white counters and tile floor, was completely perfect. A tall thin woman in a floral print dress with gray eyes and black hair tinted with grays.
" How wonderful it is to meet you Samantha. I am Andrew's mother you can call me Helen," The woman said holding out her hand eyeing Samantha with suspicion.
" Thank you Helen" Samantha said as she shook the woman's hand, hating the way Helen was looking at her.
" Now both of you go to the living room, the kitchen is no place for men or guests" Helen said as she shooed them out of the room. When they were well out of ear shot from Samantha pulled Andrew aside.
" What dose she mean the kitchen is no place for men and did I do something wrong?" Samantha whispered
" Oh my mom is from a long line of house wives and she thinks a kitchen is a woman's domain. Also my mom just is like that to all the girls I start to like" He said with a smile " a hole lot" . Samantha immediately knew he was going to try to kiss her and as he leaned down Samantha turned her head so his lips landed on her cheek.
" where is your father?" Samantha asked trying to avoid looking at him.
" he should be in the living room" Andrew said dissapointment evident in his voice. He led her to the living room. It had a pink floral print coach with two matching chairs that surrounded a glass coffe-table. There was a small fire place and on the mantal there were pictures of Andrew as a boy and of his mother and father. On the coach was a balding man in a dignified suit. He had green eyes and what was left of his hair was black. He did not smile when Samantha and Andrew walked into the room.
" hello Dad, this is Samantha, the girl I told you about" Andrew said with a smile as his father stood up.
" nice to meet you, now if you'll excuse I need to speak to my wife" he said as he suspiciously eyed Samantha a quickly left the room.
" gosh, I'm sorry about my parents there usally very friendly." Andrew said, an embbaressed look. It annoyed Samantha that Andrews parents so visably didn't like her very much.
" that's ok" Samantha said with a small smile, trying to make it seem like it was no big deal. " actually could you tell me where your bathroom is?"
" sure it's the door next to the kitchen" Andrew said pointing in the direction of the kitchen. Samantha got up and followed the hall till she reached the bathroom door,
" look at her Allen, her hair is the color of ketchup. I bet she died it!" the voice of Andrew's mother drifted from the kitchen
" And did you look at her eyes! There black!" Jason's father said " she is probably a druggie, I told you we never should have sent him to public school..." Allen was going to say more but Samantha had run out of the hall before she could hear the rest.
" Samantha whats wrong?" Andrew yelled grabing her arm before she could run out of the door.
" ask your parents" she answered back angrily, trying to pry his hand off her arm.
" well whatever they did let me at least give you a ride home!" he said but by then Samantha had gotten him to let her go.
" I'll call a friend!" she said angrily as she throw open the front door and ran out. After about a block of running she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Jason's home number.
" hello?" Jason's mother said
" hi Mrs. Camston its me Samantha, is Jason there?" Samantha asked her voice filled with anguish.
" no, I'm sorry, dear. If you don't mind me asking is there something wrong?" Mrs. Camston said in a mothely tone
" umm Mrs. Camston could you come pick me up" Samantha said holding back a sob
" Sure thing dear, where are you?" Mrs. Camston asked sounding worried.
" I'm at 10 15 Main" Samantha said, reading the numbers on the nearest house.
" I'll be there in a minute" she said
" Thank you so much!" Samantha said relived she didn't have to call her parents and let them know her date's parents thought she was a junkie.
" bye bye" Mrs. Camston said as she hung up. In a couple of minutes Jason's mother pulled up. Samantha got up from where she had sat down and walked up to the car. She opened the door and got inside, her eye make up was smeared by her crying.
" what happened Samantha!" Mrs. Camston asked worriedly
" It was Andrew's parents" Samantha choked out.
" what did they do?" she asked
" well I was going to the bathroom and I over heard them talking. They called me a druggie" Samantha said as she buried her face in her hands.
" oh dear, I'm so sorry!" Mrs. Camston said as she reached over to give Samantha a hug.
" may I ask you a question?" Mrs. Camston asked after Samantha's tears had stopped.
" sure"
" why didn't you call your parents after I told you Jason wasn't home?"
" I guess I didn't want to dissapoint them that a perfect family thought I was a druggie" Samantha said while wipping her eyes.
" so you asked me to pick you up?" Jason's mom said with a smile
" well I knew you would understand " Samantha said truthfully
" well come on lets go to my house, I just made cookies."
Jason's mom said and Samantha realized how much she liked Jason's family better then her own. They gave her something her family never had, acceptence.
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