I am alone
I wonder where you are
I hear your faint voice
I see the empty black
I want your strong hand
I am alone
I pretend you are near me
I believe I am lost
I want to believe I don't pretend
I am alone
I touch the ebony nothing
I feel the chilling silence between us
I dread your hush
I beg you to speak
I worry you are dead
I cry helplessly
I wonder if you hear me
I am alone
I don't understand your muffled speech
I say I see you
I dream I can touch you
I reach out for you
I feel nothing but air, cold and thin
I am still alone
My God, Why have you forsaken me! by quadellic
Poetry » Religion Rated: K+, English, Spiritual & Drama, Words: 122, Published: 6/10/2003