Sandra stared.
It was dark tonight lit only by the moonbeams giving the world a magical glow. She looked up at the full moon, wishing to be outside. she'd always preferred the night. Though she knew the vampires would not let her be; they own the night. They would kill her. Like they did her parents.
Her thoughts were brought to a halt by the glow of two spheres of ice blue in the darkness. She opened her window to see knowing that vampires cannot enter unless invited. She leaned closer to the window .
She gasped startled as someone knocked at her door. 'Sandra sleep my dear remember lady Jasmine is having a ball tomorrow and she favours you and would like you to be the only peasant in the noble party.' She heard her uncles say.
Looking back where she saw the blue spheres, there was nothing. Gone. Whom ever or what ever was there is now gone.
'Sandra?' her uncles worried voice echoing through the nights air.
'yes uncle' she sighed. She loved her uncle and cousins though she always felt as if someone is calling her. It's the constant calling of the night. She laughed at the thought.
I can't believe they did that. They embarrass me. How could they sneak in to the party?
'Sandra' I heard one of my cousins call to me 'were sorry' they shouted at me, 'please come back!'
'its almost sunset you cant go to the woods you wont make it!'
I ignored there words of warning, I kept on walking, to where I did not know did not care. I let my feet do the walking. I was quite surprised that I got so angry I never would. I stopped for a moment to watch the sunset. It was beautiful.
Sunset? Oh no. Where am I?! She looked around as realisation began to sink in she is in the vampires territory. Why did I come here?! I wasn't even planning too.
A/N: well guys tell me what you think; please review so I'd know if I should continue or not (