Hey there, I really like the idea for this story and couldn't rest until I started writing it, so here it is, Endless Evening. - Eve walked down the dirty city streets, her streets, she had on black shorts, a red halter and a leather jacket. Her brown hair pilled on top of her head so it was easier to manage. The only pretty feature about her was her light blue eyes because everything eles was covered in dirt. She was a gang goddess, as her type of people were called. In her hand was a gun, a gun she refused to use, but held as a source of power. She lived in a world where it always dark and the classes where always separated. There were the Rich who lived in their bright-lighted domes and had anything one could desire, which was what made them her only enemy. They were the reason she kept herself covered in dirt and a gun in her hand, for if one of the rich wanted you, there was nothing you could do. Then there was the poor who lived in peace with The Gang, The Gang didn't bother them so they didn't bother The Gang. The Gang where mostly druggies, rich kids who wanted some excitemet, and orphans who refused their foster homes. She was an orphan and didn't do drugs. She refused to talk with any rich kid, which quickly lead her to become a respected leader. As she walked down the street Eve saw some kids beating on a member of her Gang section so she ran over. " Hey! What the hell do you think you are doing?" she said pushing them off the bleeding boy. The two attackers looked startled for a secound, but then one of them whistled and a whole group of kids, rich kids, surrounded her. They all had on black jackets to disguise there clothes and black masks on to disguise there identitys. ' shit' she thought as she stood up trying to figure out what to do. Then, remembering, she raised the gun in her hand and the advancing group stoped. Eve had no idea what to do though, she had bullets in her hand but if she used them against theses people she could never forgive herself. Then suddenly a man jumped her from behind and knocked the gun from her hand. Then another one of the group a girl perhaps she couldn't tell punched her in the face and Eve's world went black. Well there you go, the prolog. Please review, LadyBrigid