Sorry this chapter took so long and is so short I kinda am in a summer daze, well here you go. ````````````````````````````````````````````

" So your telling me he's holding you hostage?" Richard asked as Eve sat on the old swing. They were in the castle that connected Calvin and Richards's lands. It really wasn't a castle but more of a large collection of stonewalls with a

" Sort of, like last night he went into this whole 'I'll tell you my sad life so you will pity me' shit" Eve said angrily as she pulled up her skirts to climb on the castle, it quite confused Eve that she was telling all of this to Richard, but she needed to talk to someone. Cat worked for Calvin so she wasn't really a good person to confide in and all the rest of the staff had kept out of sight like they were paid to do.

" Actually when I told you I didn't know much about Calvin, I wasn't really being completely honest, the papers called him a playboy when one of his little toys ran to the press. Talked about how she loved him and that he threw her out when he was through with her." Richard said shaking his head.

" I can believe it" Eve said as she climbed even higher on the ruin of a wall. As she began to turn around to go back down her skit caught on something and she fell from the wall.

" Damn it! If we ever do this again remind me to wear pants." Eve said as she looked at her tights, which now had a huge hole in them, and blood dripping from the large skid marks on her arms and legs. (AN: dang it's dangerous to be in one of my stories, everyone keeps getting hurt).

" My god" Richard said as he ran over and picked Eve up.

" Richard don't fuss," Eve, muttered as she pressed the handkerchief that Richard had pressed against one of her scrapes.

" I will fuss and take you home." Richard said as he began to walk. Eve leaned her head against his shoulder and slowly began to fall asleep.

" Eve wake up where here" Richard said quietly, as he rang the large bell at the servants door. A small fat man opened the door and looked the strange scene up and down with a large frown.

" I am the duke of Heartfeild, and I would like to see Lord Calvin." Richard said quickly as the man let them in. As Richard stood in the drawing and set her on the coach, Eve noticed that his gloves were covered in blood. Richard saw her worried look and he quickly took them off and stuffed them in his pocket. As she lay there waiting for Calvin to show up she saw Cat walk by with a basket of laundry.

" Cat!" Eve yelled which given her condition wasn't very loud. Cat turned around quickly and when she saw the scene in the drawing room, dropped the basket and ran inside.

" Lady Eve! What happened, Thomas gets the first aid kit!"? She yelled as she went to grab a rag from the laundry bag, dipped it a wash pot and cleaned the blood off Eve's legs and arms.

" What the hell is taking Lord Calvin!"? Richard growled as he took the seat next to the Eve. Thomas, the butler, quickly walked into the room and bandaged the wounds on Eve's arms and legs.

" Thank you Thomas" Eve said as the old man left, and when he had left the room the fat man from the door came back in.

" Lord Calvin is indisposed and can not be disturbed." He said bluntly, and that meant one thing, he was sleeping with one of his little toys.

`````````````````````````````````` There you go please review!
