Characters and story are mine, I think that should be obvious.
Speak Like A Child
Footsteps announced his presence before his voice rose to announce himself. She did not rise from her seat to greet him as she gazed, softly blank, out the wide window into a clouded sky. "Adrian?" His voice faltered as he called to her, watching her pale face. "I…" She still would not rise to meet him. "Milady, the doctor's say are sick once more."
She smiled, still watching the rainy sky. "I grew sick with Anya as well. This is nothing new, Herito."
"Adrian, Anya never made you this weak." He moved from his spot just inside the door and took a knee by her side. "This baby will be the death of you."
She turned her eyes upon him and ruby lips pressed against his forehead. "I do believe I have said the same about you, my dear husband." He laughed and allowed her to dismiss the subject they would no doubt quarrel over. Instead he nuzzled her cheek, brushing his lips over the soft skin until she giggled at the feeling of his beard. Catching his lips, she pulled him closer, relishing under his touch.
A knock at the door interrupted them and he pulled back with much hesitation. She stood as he did, but faltered and he caught her by her waist, propping her against himself. "Enter," she called, her voice sharp towards the interruption.
The door creaked and Rork appeared, soft hair wind swept and his cheeks a rosy shade. He stood at attention just inside the open door. "Please excuse my interruption, Lord, Lady." He bowed his head. "But Myanya's escort has returned."
"At ease Rork," Herito motioned with a nod. The boy relaxed from his bow. "How was the ride?"
"Fine, sire. Though we got caught in a snowstorm outside the village of Tec. We had to seek shelter in the town for the duration of the storm, almost over two days. The villagers gave no trouble to us though."
"Did Anya behave?"
"Yes sire, Hayden kept her pretty well in check." He gave off a boyish smile. "There was no need for your highnesses to worry."
Herito smiled deeply at the boy. "So how was your first ride without your father?"
Rork sighed. "I was nothing more then a squire. I flanked the carriage then entire time." His eyes went wide suddenly and the words dried from his mouth almost instantly. "I-I mean, it was a wonderful assignment-I'm glad I had the chance-"
Herito waved a hand to cut him off. "The royal guard is required to speak their mind at all times." Herito gazed at him with soft brown eyes that twinkled with laughter. "The young squires as well. You'll no doubt lead the charge in due time. I will never require a formal tone, unless we're before audience. Understood?"
"Yes, Lord," Rork clipped with a breathless rigidity, but it was thrown by his boyish smile.
"Go on to your father, son. The hour grows late for young boys."
Rork puffed his chest and laughed. "Of course, sire. Lady," he nodded to Adrian who stood by watching the exchange, straining for information on her abroad daughter. Adrian returned with a smile before the boy exited, unable to wash the boyish smile from his face nor the rosiness of his cheeks.
"I really don't know about this, Herito," Adrian confessed as he helped her back into her seat. "Anya's never been away from home before. And now she will be gone for a few months." She shook her head and stray brown tresses into her face. "I don't think this is a good idea."
Herito took a knee once more and took her hands into his. "Anya was fine. She was packing before I even explained the situation to her. She was excited to go. Separating her and Derrick is more of a pain the going through all the formality and planning of sending her to stay with them. Besides it would be too hard to keep track of her while there are doctors and midwives running all over the place tending to you."
She sighed, shaking her head and sliding her hand across her stomach feeling the bulge that poked taut against her dress. "But my daughter…"
He placed his hand on top of hers, his big callous palms and thick red knuckles dark contrasts against her tiny white hands with her long fingers. "For the next few months just worry about our son."
She looked at him, sterling eyes wondrous. "What makes you say a son?"
"I just know," he replied as he picked up her hand and kissed every finger. "Only a boy would give his mother so much trouble."
She smiled, lightly and ran a hand down the side of his face. "I will be fine, Herito. I just need to rest, I suppose." She rose from her chair and he stood to follow.
"I will escort you," he offered, holding out his arm to her.
"I don't need to be pampered over." She took a step from him, only to stumble as a sharp pain stabbed across her abdomen. He lunged to catch her, but she was already on the floor before he could. One hand supported her from hitting the carpeted floor while the other clutched at her bulging belly.
"Adrian!" he burst out, falling to her side and supporting her into a sitting position. She doubled over, crying out in his arms, as she held her stomach. "Adrian, what's wrong?" She cried out in response. "Adrian!"
"J-just fetch the doctor, Herito." His hands on her tightened. "It hurts."
For a second there was hesitation, his hands remaining on her for a split second, before he pulled away, leaving her unsupported and a wave of unbearable pain came crashing down over her. He stumbled to the door before throwing it open, revealing an empty hall. "Doctor!" he cried. "Someone fetch the doctor!" With an impatient look over his shoulder, his wife laid sprawled across the floor, unconscious, but twitching with pain as spots of blood began to rise from her dress. "Doctor!" he screamed again.
Pounding echoed sharply in his ears, driving him from a dreamless sleep. Rubbing unfocused eyes, he dragged himself, barefooted and shirtless, from his straw cot to the door where the pounding emitted. Derrick's father, the King, stood on the opposite side of the door with a look of sour anger.
"Where is Anya and my son?" he demanded, looking down at the half awake boy.
Hayden blinked, the wheels in his head turning, trying to figure out why the king might be at his door. "I would assume their rooms sire." He rubbed his blond hair, trying to tame it down. "Its still fairly early."
"They are both gone." Hayden held a sigh of annoyance. This was nothing new of Anya and Derrick. "Find her, I need to speak with her at once."
"Is something wrong?"
Deryis' hand tightened around a scarp of paper in his fist. "None of your business, boy. Find your charge and bring her to me when you do." With his instruction left, the angry monarch turned and left.
Hayden dressed, shaking his head, uninterested in the wrath of a man not his master. Deryis held little interest and patience for an orphan boy playing nanny to a hyperactive little princess and Hayden chose not to get in his way. Leaving the room that had been given to him for the extent of Anya's visit he made his way down the halls and out to the castle grounds. The mischievous pair usually found their way outside, often being driven from the confines of the castle by annoyed adults. The grounds were white and frozen from a midnight snowstorm and the cold air slapped him in the face. Careful not to slip on the iced over stone, he began to make his way across the grounds, searching for his ward and her companion.
"Them runts left the grounds, Master Hayden." The stable man, dirt and smelling of horse, stepped out of the stables, leading a saddled stallion. "Near an 'our ago, I s'ppose."
"Where'd they go?"
"Town. At least that's what I figure. Thought they were bein' sneaky, but I saw them. Left out the side door, out the kitchen and climbed the wall."
"Thank you, sir," Hayden nodded before turning and running for the castle gate. It world take forever to find the pair in town, especially with nearly an hour head start. Deryis would not be pleased.
The town outside of Deryis' home was the largest trading center in nearly a hundred miles, in any direction. People flocked to the streets everyday, hoping to sell or buy nearly anything one could imagine. Every sort of knick-knack, jewelry, weapon or service could be found within the shops and carts of the bustling center.
Finding two children amongst the crowds was asking the impossible.
It was still early, so there were not as many people out on the icy streets. Mostly young apprentices hurrying to work, the occasional drunk leaving the tavern as the sun arose to return to their day beds. Shopkeepers were opening their shops and thieves were starting their rounds.
"Morning, boy," a large shopkeeper called as Hayden approached his cart. "Looking for breakfast or that girl of yours?"
Hayden smiled. "More the second then the first, but both if you can provide them." He tossed the fattened fruit seller a coin and took an apple off his cart. "Have you seen the prince and the Princess this morning?"
The stubble faced fruit seller played with the coin between his sausage fingers. "They were running around with some of the local riffraff, last I saw. Sweet little devil that Princess of yours is. Stopped by to say good morning to an old soul like me." He chuckled with a raspy laugh.
"She does that so you will feed her," Hayden laughed, biting into his apple.
"And I am happy to oblige to her." He moved to a customer who came up beside Hayden. "The Prince said something 'bout visiting a swordsmen down near the stables. The Princess and him were fighting about something about the craft, but I don't know what. Prince said he wanted to prove her wrong and along they went."
"Thanks." Hayden took off toward the center of town, the stables. Most of the metal smiths took up shop around there, knowing visitors would come looking for repairs to their armor, weapons and the shoeing of their horses. This would not end well, the Prince and Anya around weapons and each other would no doubt leave someone dead.
"Derrick, stop it!" The cry of alarm went off as if on cue as Hayden entered the metal district. The young golden haired prince appeared, running, from one building with Anya, running backwards, in close pursuit. "I'm sorry sir," she called. "It'll never happen again." A muscled and soot blackened man stepped into the doorway looking displeased, with the broken hilt of a sword in one hand.
Hayden caught them as they attempted to run past. "Hey, let go!" Derrick wiggled, kicking at Hayden. "Let go!"
"If you hold still, I will."
Derrick stopped fighting and glanced up at Hayden before rolling his eyes towards Anya. "Your servant found us."
She gave him an innocent smile. "Mornin' Hayden."
"Why are you running?"
She gave a sour look. "He got into a fight with the shopkeeper and then broke one of his swords. I don't think we're allowed back there anymore." Derrick grinned evilly.
Hayden reached into his pocket and pulled out several coins. "Pay the man and let's go. The king wishes to see you." Anya took the money and ran back to the shop. "I'm sure the king will have a few words for you as well, Prince," Hayden scoffed as he dropped Derrick who just glared at him.
"You always ruin the fun. I'll make sure my father gives you some words as well. Maybe even a lash or two."
Hayden shook his head and resisted a triumphant grin. "Your father can do no such thing. Only the princess can allow that. I suggest you talk to her about my punishment and see what she says in response." Derrick growled under his breath and walked away as Anya returned, broken hilt in hand.
"Where'd Derrick go?"
"He went ahead. Said I ruined all of his fun and wishes to talk to his father about me."
"Stupid git. He just doesn't learn," Anya laughed as they walked. "Look Hayden." She held out the hilt of the sword. "The shopkeeper said I could keep it."
He took the handle, careful to keep the jagged sword piece away from his body, and examined the metal. "This is a fine craft. Derrick really picked the wrong sword to break, I don't think the keeper will ever let him back." He handed it back to her. "Keep it, you may be able to have the court's swordsmen rebuild it." She nodded as they entered through the castle gates and he fell into step behind her. Servants and other members of the court who had all risen with the early dawn stopped and greeted her as she walked by and with childish enthusiasm she returned a greeting and showed them all her new toy.
They reached the king's study long after they had entered the castle. Derrick sat outside the door, pouting, and made no move as they came into view. "Took you long enough. My father said to send you in right away, but your servant can be excused for the day."
Anya glanced at Hayden who made a gesture for her to go on before she turned and entered the King's study alone. The old monarch stood at the window staring out into the gray sky. He had not heard her come in. "Sire?" she spoke up, attempting to pull him from his thoughts. He looked up at her with a heavy expression.
"Come here, Myanya." He held out his arms to her, but she didn't move. King Deryis was not a man who embraced much, or ever, nor had he ever held her. When his arms remained out stretched, slowly she forced herself forward and climbed into them. He held her, but returned his gaze out the window and after a moment she followed his eyes, searching for what had captured his attention. "I received a messenger from your father last night." She didn't say anything, just waited for him to continue. "Your mother gave birth. You have a new baby brother."
Delight surged through her at the thought. But why was the King so sorrowful? Wasn't this supposed to be a happy occasion?
"But th-there were some problems and your mother was very sick." His voice broke. She stared at him with innocent eyes and it just made his heart ache more. "Your mother died while giving birth. I'm very sorry."
"Valen?" The Prince was pacing in his study. Rork stood at the door watching his friend move about, his face stuck in a state of agitated worry. The Prince was known for his inability to sit still, but the tick had only increased since the death of his stepmother. "Valen, sit down. Honestly mate, your making me sick. And you're about to wear a hole right through the floor."
Valen stopped and turned to him. "Where is my father?"
Rork cocked an eyebrow, but answered. "Making arrangements for the queen's funeral."
Valen began his pace again, then stopped. "Where's yours?"
"He left to retrieve Myanya."
"And there are two men to see me?"
"Yeah. A couple of shady looking gents, if you ask me."
Valen showed off a cocky grin that Rork was used to and any concern Rork felt for his friend slipped away. "Well, it's a good thing I didn't ask you." Rork sneered, but laughed anyway. "Send them in, then leave me. I have business with them." He began his pace again. "I think."
With a shake of his head, Rork shut the door. "Aye mate." He raced back down to the front entrance where two dirty, but anxious looking men stood waiting for his return. "The Prince will see you. Follow me." With a nod, they began to trail after him. "What did you say your business was with the Prince?"
The leading man scratched his bread, sending bits of dirt to the floor. "Not sure lord. The Prince sent for us, but I'm just a farmer. I don't know what he'd want with me." They got to Valen's study and Rork knocked.
"Come in."
"Go on in." The men tensed as they stared at the door. "The Prince is waiting for you."
"Thank you," the first man spoke again. As they passed by him, they bowed shakily. They entered the warm study to find the Prince standing behind his desk, waiting with a tight and hard expression.
"Hello," he greeted. "Welcome, gentlemen."
The men bowed low. "Prince, we are honored that you have allowed us into your home."
"There is a reason for my calling you. You are in the slaving business, correct."
The second man, who had remained quiet until that point, gave violent shake of his head. "No sir. Trading is illegal. The ownership of a slave is a terrible thing. There are harsh penalties with dealing in such areas."
"Cut the farmboy act, Master Garrett. You and I both know your reputation is extraordinary in the trades." Ignorant innocence disappeared from their faces and the second man smirked, while the first looked alarmed.
"The Prince has heard correct." He gave a lavishing, arrogant bow. "Masters Garrett and James at your service, Milord. I don't see how you wish to employ our services, but we are ever loyal to you."
"I thank you heartily. Sit, gentlemen, sit." The Prince gestured to two chairs before his desk as he took a seat in his own. The men entered the room, James striding in confidently, while his partner took cautious steps, unsure of the Prince's purpose. "I have heard my father speaking lately of tightening the laws against slaving and increasing searches on suspected traders." Garrett flashed his partner a sour look, but returned his attention to the prince. "I need a favor. And in return for your duty and secrecy you will be rewarded handsomely, but I will also grant you full immunity from the law."
James furrowed his brow and leaned forward in his seat, interest covering his dark features. "We're listening."
"I want to sell you my stepsister."
The men burst out laughing, but when the prince did not join them in their laughter, the chuckles died. Garrett swallowed hard and started to speak cautiously, "Prince, you do realized what you are asking. This is beyond treason."
"Shut up, Garrett," James snapped, still leaning forward. "Why?"
Valen stared at the man coldly. "I don't believe that's your concern."
"Your right, its not. I have no concern for you royals. But if I am to risk my ass for some snotty practical joke on your sister, this is a waste of my time. I am asking for an explanation for why I should compromise myself."
"This is no joke," Valen sneered. "The queen is dead and that little wretch has warn out her welcome in my home." The Prince sat back. "This is my home, not hers and she has been an unwanted guest for too long." His eyes challenged them and James sat quiet for a moment, debating to himself.
Finally, "Alright Prince," he consented. "You've got a deal. Now, do you also have a plan or are we just supposed to walk right up to her chambers and ask her to come away with us?"
Valen rolled hard lavender eyes and tossed a rolled up map at the trader. "Myanya is not in the kingdom at the moment. She's returning from visiting some friends. They are rushing to bring her home for the funeral so the guard will be small, three all together. Their path is outlined on the map. Do what you have to." From his pocket her pulled a purse of coins and tossed it on the desk in front of Garrett. "I hope that will cover your troubles."
With a slow hand Garrett picked up the bag and tipped it into his hand. Coins spilled into his palm, nearly falling onto the floor as he stared in disbelief. Clearing his throat, he dropped them back into the bag. "That'll do, lord."
"Go." He stood at the pair follow suit, hiding the map and money in their clothes. "It was a pleasure to meet you gentlemen."
The pair bowed again. "It was truly an honor, prince." With that the pair left.
Rork stood outside the door waiting. "Goodday gentlemen. Do you need an escort to the door?" He asked trying to sound polite while he ushered the dirty pair out.
"No thank you sir, we'll be just fine," Garrett smiled as they walked passed him. "Goodday yourself." Silence fell between them until they were well out of the castle walls. The cold air of the sunless day made their breaths rise in clouds, as the castle became a far off sight.
"The Prince is just a selfish brat," James shook his head. "May he never become king."
"Are you sure about this James?" Garrett looked fearfully unsure. "This is the princess, not some beggar or untamed servant. We could be put to death for this."
They passed a group of women and James nodded in greeting with a hungry eye. "She's strong from what I heard. And a very young girl. She would fetch an incredible price, if not as a slave, a whore."
Garrett lost his calm. "A whore?! But she's the-"
James cuffed his friend on the shoulder. "Shut up you idiot!" Glancing around at the empty street he turned to his partner. "Look, the money is reliable good and the security will leave us rich, happy and fat old men. Don't blow this with your scared sniveling." Garrett tried to keep the insulted look off his face, but James sneered. "This is a beautiful set up, can't you see that?"
Garrett just shook his head with a defeated look. "Whatever you say, James. You know I will follow you."
"Good." With a happy grin, James clapped his friend on the arm. "Round up a couple me, we leave tonight."
Anya stood watching as servants loaded her bags into the carriage that would take her back home. The king stood at her side, clutching softly at her hand as he spoke with Rork's father, the captain of Anya's father's guard. Hayden was off helping with last minute provisions and loading, but she wished he were with her, holding her hand instead of the stiff king.
"Princess." Glancing over her shoulder, she spotted Derrick walking towards her, looking solemn and shy. "Come on."
"Hi Derrick," she greeted quietly, dropping the King's hand. The monarch watched as they pair wandered off. "Where have you been?"
"Around. I had to do something for my father." She nodded, only half listening to his answer. "Where's your servant?"
She didn't react to the insult. "He's helping with getting ready to leave. They want to go within the hour."
He nodded and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Kicking at newly fallen snow, he opened his mouth to speak, only to flounder with no words before closing it again. Finally, "I'm sorry your mother died," he managed with a glance out of the corner of his eye to see her tense. He looked straight again.
"Don't be sorry, Derrick," her voice shook.
He became uneasy. "Don't cry Princess," he begged awkwardly in a childish voice. "I have a gift for you."
"Really?" Her head perked up. "Why?"
"Because I want to, stupid," he snapped out.
"What is it?" she pressed excitedly.
From the fold of his jacket he pulled two packages, both wrapped in plain brown paper. "The small one is from my parents and the big one is from me," he said as he thrust them both in her hands.
Immediately she tore into the first one, the smaller of the two and as the paper fell to the ground she held up a small golden necklace. "Its beautiful."
"I guess," he shrugged in a boyish way. "Put it on and open mine."
"Its beautiful."
"I guess," he shrugged in a boyish way. "Put it on and open mine." She did and the necklace hung low on her neck as she ripped into the second package. A small dagger sat in her hands. Derrick's face lit up with excitement. "I had that broken one melted down and remolded."
"This is amazing." Unsheathing the dagger, her reflection stared up at her in the blade.
"Myanya," Hayden called. "Let's go."
She sheathed the knife once more and hugged him tightly, which he accepted stiffly. "Thank you Derrick." She took his hand as they walked back.
With a furrowed brow Derrick held to her hand softly. "Will you come back soon, Princess?"
"I don't know. Everyone keeps saying I have to go home now and take care of my father. I might not be back for a while, if that's true."
"Yeah, you're the only girl now. You'll have to take care of the baby."
She made a face. "But I don't know how."
They reached where Hayden was waiting with Derrick's father. "You're a girl. Of course you know how Princess."
"Are you ready, Myanya?" the king asked softly.
"Yes sir," she nodded as Hayden turned and climbed into the carriage. "Thank you for allowing me into your home."
Derrick stepped up and bowed and she curtsied in return. "Bye Princess."
"Goodbye Derrick."
The King lifted her into the carriage and with sad eyes but a small smile, kissed her lightly on the forehead. "Have a safe trip."
"Thank you sire." She settled into the seat beside Hayden as the carriage door shut and they began to move.
Night fell, but she couldn't sleep. The carriage rocked in a rhythmic fashion and as she lay with her head in Hayden's lap, she stared up at him as he nodded in and out of sleep.
"Hayden?" she whispered and his eyes half opened as one of his big hands began to stroke her hair. "Am I an orphan like you now?"
He let out a tired chuckle. "No, Anya. You still have your father. Its only when both of your parents are gone do you become an orphan."
"Oh," she felt suddenly stupid. "Derrick said because I'm the only girl I will have to take care of the baby, but I don't know how."
"Derrick doesn't know anything," Hayden shook his head with a roll of his eyes. "There will be a nanny most likely. Or one of the servants. Though I'm sure you can help." He yawned. "When did you start listening to Derrick?"
She curled closer into his lap and his hand continued to stroke through her hair. "My mama won't be there when I get home, huh?"
"She died, Anya," he whispered softly.
"I know, but-" The carriage gave a jerk and came to a stop, sending both tumbling to the floor. "Ow."
Hayden sat up quickly and began to untangle himself from her. Anya opened her mouth to speak again, but he held up his hand, cutting her off. "There are strange men outside." She quieted, but her face perked in interest. He pushed himself to the door slowly and quietly.
She stayed quiet for only a moment. "What are they saying, Hayden?" she whispered when curiosity got the best of her.
"I don't know, I can't hear them." He pressed closer to the door.
Shouting erupted, but nothing loud enough to be audible. Soon yelling turned to cries of pain and panic crossed over Hayden's usually unreadable face. Suddenly the door swung open and Hayden toppled out. "Hayden!" Anya jumped from her place on the floor to the door and a large hand grabbed her, wrenching her from the carriage. "Let go!" she demanded, jerking in the hands of her captors.
"Hold still girl!" the owner of the hands ordered as he flung her to the ground into wet slush. Ice water soaked into her clothes and a hand struck her, sending her reeling back harder into the dirty wet snow.
"Don't touch her!" she could hear Hayden scream, but stars filled her eyes from the force of the blow. "Don't you dare lay another hand on her."
"Shut the boy up!" the man who had struck her screamed as he reached down and picked Anya off the ground, dripping. Somewhere out of her line of vision, Hayden cried in pain.
"Let me go! Let me go!" Anya began to fight again as her head cleared. "Hayden!" Her captor grabbed her by the face in one big and callused hand and turned her face up to his. She stared up at a dark, stubble face and her tongue caught in her mouth.
His hand squeezed her harder. "If you know what's good for you, you'll shut up and stop moving." She stilled as they stared eye to eye, shaking in fear and dripping dirty water from her clothes. He reeked and tears filled her eyes from a mix of his rotten smell and the pain his dirty fingernails were causing as they dug into her cheek. "This is her, kill the boy and let's get out of here."
Fear drained from her. "NO! Hayden!" She began to thrash and kick. The dirty man dropped her as she caught him in the knee. Dodging his hand, she stumbled in the snow, slipping in the sludge and over he skirt as she tried to reach Hayden. Her guardian lay in the snow with another dirty man on top of him, holding him by his hair.
"Let me go!" he grunted. "If its ransom you want, we can pay it now and let you be on your way."
"Shut up boy," his captor growled as he produced a knife from his jacket.
Anya lunged for him, but was jerked back by the man she had kicked. "You stupid girl!" he screamed in rage as he pressed her into the snow with one solid hand on her throat. His other hand struck her across the face again and again until her lip split and once more stars filled her vision. All she could do was sob until she felt the man lift off of her.
"Garrett, stop it. Calm down, man. She's not worth a single piece dead," a new voice cooed at her attacker. She rolled over and wept into the cold snow as the pair talked. She tried to move, but couldn't, either out of pain or fear, she wasn't sure which. She wanted to call out to Hayden, but all that came out of her mouth was choking and sobbing. A hand, different from the one that had beat her picked her off the wet, muddy ground by her wrist, but instead of resisting, she hung like a soaking rag doll. Another hand grabbed her other hand and tied her wrists together. "Stand up princess." She stayed on the ground and a hand wrenched her up and lifted her onto the owner's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "You're just making things difficult, girl." He began to walk and with each step his shoulder rose into her stomach. "Let's go, gents. Grab what you can out of the carriage and let's ride."
She raised and stared at the scene they were leaving. Two strange men approached the coach while a third tended to the three horses that whinnied and pawed nervously. Her eyes, red and swollen, searched the ground as her things were thrown about and flung onto the wet ground, but the beautiful dresses and toys went unnoticed as her eyes finally found Hayden, crumpled and lifeless. His middle was bloodied and his hair was matted and he just lay there with a broken body and a pale face. She stared at him, waiting for him to rise, even as her captor climbed onto his horse. The man pulled her off his shoulder and settled her in front of him and with a kick to his horse's ribs they rode off, away from the scene.
At some point during the ride, Anya fell asleep, shivering in her water soaked clothes and pressed against some unseen man who held her atop the horse. She awoke on the ground cold and pained and confused. The images of the night rushed back to her, until all she could see was Hayden bloodied and alone in the dark. With a shudder, she sobbed her frustrations into the cold ground until dirty was stuck to her face and her cheeks stung with the wet cold.
She lay under a tree, with both her wrists and ankles tied to keep from fleeing and a few feet away her abductors sat around a fire. There were five of them in all, dirty and smelly and vicious looking. She made no sounds, silencing all weeping in fear of drawing someone's attention and earning another beating.
"James, how much is our cut?" A skinny man stood from his seat on the ground and began to pace. He blew into his hand and watched as his breath rose in a white cloud. "It better be worth freezing my ass off for you."
"The Prince gave us enough for all of us to take a break from any work for the next year or so," the dark man who had carried her on his horse answered.
She tensed. The Prince….Valen? Valen had done this?
The skinny man stopped his pacing and stared at the darker man, James. "The Prince? We're in dealings with the Prince?" James nodded. "Who's the girl? Some whore he doesn't want anyone to know about?"
James lit a cigarette and smiled. "Pretty much," he lied and his eyes glanced up at another man, Garrett, the one who had beaten her. Their eyes held for only a moment before dropping. "She's just a whore," he shrugged blowing smoke.
"What are the plans once morning hits?" another man asked.
"You gents ride back to town, Garrett and I will head to the slave auctions and get rid of her. We'll come back and divide out the money when we get back." The other men nodded in agreement, but as their conversation turned to business and money, she stopped listening.
Valen had sold her. Bitterly she swallowed back tears. She knew he had hated her, she was never sure why, but she also never imagine he would do this. He was her brother, he was family…
Tears overtook her and she wept again, the back of her mind burning with all the time Valen had hit her and tricked her, all done out of blatant hatred and she was too oblivious to ever even see it. And now her father was far away, widowed and missing a child. And Hayden was dead…oh god Hayden.
The night drew to a close, dying into a gray morning, but still she lay awake. All night she had cried over the dead boy she had once loved and in fear of the morning. She knew enough to fear the slave auctions. She cried until she couldn't cry anymore and could only lay there and wonder what was in store for her.
And that's the end of the third chapter. It's been a long time and I'm really sorry. For a long time I had no time and then I just couldn't bring myself to work on this because I had bad writer's block. It was kinda pathetic. But I like the way the chapter came out. I hope you did too. Hopefully the next will be out sooner then this one.
Thank you.
Please review - BoarderKC