There once was a boy named Jake
Jake has a very bad headache.
He went to the store and meant a guy named Blake.
They fell in love and ate some steak.
They decide to go down to the lake.
So as they drove they suddenly had to brake.
A hermaphrodite with a monkey crossed the street, it's name was Jacque.
They brought her along, for the monkey's sake.
She brought pot, which was hidden in a cake.
They went down to the lake and the pot they did partake.
But a cop came, and the pot he did take.
He arrested the monkey, and waved bye to Jacque.
Jacque attacked the officer and her arm did break.
So the cop has to go to the hospital for Jacque.
Blake and Jake thought they had made a big mistake
They were going to leave but Blake got bitten by an eastern indigo snake
He passed out and did now wake.
Jake went to look for some help, but it started to shake.
It was an earthquake
It was not fake.
And Jake fell, hit his head and drowned in the lake.
No more Jake or Blake.