Where were you, where were you
Before you came back?
Before our love
Was in the sack?
Before you decided
To be corrupt.
Where were you, where were you
When we still had Love?
My world revolves,
But not around you.
I don't care
If you love me too.
You left me here,
So I let go,
Don't grab my arm
And don't say no.
You left me here,
So I let go.
You read and learn,
I crash and burn.
You didn't come back.
So - What of that?
So I gave up
On waiting for you.
My world no longer revolves around us,
Merely what I do.
My world revolves,
But not around you.
I don't care
If you love me too.
You left me here,
So I let go,
Don't grab my arm
And don't say no.
You left me here,
So I let go.
Corruption is your favorite shade,
It's so plain to see.
You broke my heart and left me here,
But now at least I'm free.
Don't touch me with your tainted hands,
Don't kiss me with those lips.
You boke my heart and left me here,
But I'm not gonna slip.
My world revolves,
But not around you.
I don't care
If you love me too.
You left me here,
So I let go,
Don't grab my arm
And don't say no.
You left me here,
So I let go.
Where were you, where were you
Before corruption was your favorite shade?
I want to know, where did you go?
Before my future was made.
My world revolves,
But not around you.
I don't care
If you love me too.
You left me here,
So I let go,
Don't grab my arm
And don't say no.
You left me here,
So I let go.
Persn A: I like it. Who else does?
**again, crickets chirp**
Persn A: T.T I still like it.