Ah, a continuation of my biography, 7 months later. I really know how to keep a schedule, don't I? Well, much has changed and much has stayed the same. I like to believe that much has changed, but so that is how it goes. Change is inevitable. To try to prevent it, impossible. So accept change and just turn it to your advantage.

I have relized that this is not exactly a biography, for a biography suggest a true history, but I do not believe that the past makes up who we are while we are talking in the moment. The past will only be mentioned if it pertains to the subject. Right now it does not. This is more of a ramble of thoughts. A telling of how I feel in this exact moment and of how my feelings change in the moments to come and by the end of this ever so spread out telling you will go back to the beginning and see the change and see the history.

Hm, you would think that by taking English 100 through Running Start (take college classes for high school credit) that my grammer would improve, but this is just me talking. I do not care about grammer as I talk, as long as you get the message. I have been making many a confessions in the past 7 months. I will tell my most receint one to you. This will make you the 2nd person to know. First, though, I will tell you a slight background story of how I came to confessing. Me and my friends: Steven, Cherie, Jorge, Marisa, and Andy where at Cherie's and she told me that a girl at school had a crush on me. Now this purked my curiousity for even though they know Im straight I still wanted to know who it is. She would not tell me and I still dont know. But then later on me and Steven were talking and we ran out of things to say so we started to tell things about each other that we didn't know. I wont tell you what he said because Im not allowed to, but I said that if approached I would possible go out with who ever it was that liked me. The thing about this, though, is that I do not consider myself bi. I've studied the idea in my head and I dont like being bi. Bi seems to suggest that you are attracted to both men and women, physically and mentally. Yet to me it is not that I am physically attracted to one or the other, what defines you as a man or woman is just organs in your body. It is more that I dont care what parts you have, obviously I have standards of attraction, but it is more that I care about your attitude. What you are have isn't as attractive to me as what you say and think and the way you act. I dont know what you call that, but I dont like being called bi.

So that topic was a bit more intense and personal than others, but it is what I was thinking at the moment. Now I am thinking of tomorrow and going to Seattle for the Taking Action Tour with Sugarcult, Hawthorne Heights, Anberlin, Death Atomica, and the Plain White T's. If I remember I shall write how that went. I can assure that it will probably be so much awesome (new phrase of mine, I had meant to say so much more awesome or so awesome, but instead it came out as so much awesome). And now I leave you with yet another quote, actually I will leave you with the entire poem, but my favorite part is underlined. I put it up as a different chapter 'cause it looks weird since I can't get rid of that stupid double spaced thing.