Duties of Life or Love: Chapter Fifteen- Christmas Ending
Warning: This is a story that has gay, yaoi, slash, or whatever you want to call it inside it. This means that there are two guys in here that like each other. If you don't like, don't read. I won't give much more warning beyond that. If you don't mind, then keep on reading.
"Come on, the coast's clear! Let's go!" hissed a little five year old boy.
Another appeared next to him. "But Ryoken, daddy isn't up yet."
The boy called Ryoken looked at his brother. "Tomiishige! It's Christmas! I wanna open my presents. If you don't wanna come then fine." Ryoken ran out of the room and started to go down the hall.
Tomiishige stood where he was at the door for a minute before running after Ryoken. "Ryo! Wait!"
Ryoken and Tomiishige were Shiken and Kyo's children. They were twins. You could never find one with out the other. Both had inherited Kyo's hair and eyes, but they had also recieved Shiken's facial structure and body type. Shiyue was sort of depressed that the twins had not inherited the silver hair that had been in the Shinriyue family for who knows how long, but got over it soon enough. However, even though they were twins, you could easily tell them apart. Tomiishige had grown his hair long and his face always held a smile. He was very kind, gentle, smart, and polite. Basicly, the child any parent would kill to have. But dispite all this, Tomiishige did have a mischiveous side to him that reared it head about once every two weeks when Shiyue made cookies. Ryoken had his hair short. He didn't smile as much, and he was pretty much mischevious all the time. Tomiishige was the only reason he wasn't. Ryoken was just as smart and polite as Tomiishige when he wanted to be, but that was rare. Most of the time he was a little cruel and crazy. Shiken called him his "demon child". But Ryoken always behaved better with Tomiishige around since Tomiishige would always repremand him. Yet, he would aways protect and stand up for Tomiishige, especially at school. Ryoken thought it his responsibility seeing as he was at least five minutes older.
"Ryo wait!" called out Tomiishige.
Ryoken looked back at his twin's running form. "Shige, just hurry up! You run too slow!"
Tomiishige whined before a wicked grin that was rarely there crossed his face. "I'll show you slow!" Tomiishige soon sped off ahead of his slightly older brother in the new house. Kenri had wanted a new big mansion.
Ryoken's eyes widened at the sight of the usually uncompetitive Tomiishige running at top speed ahead of him before he smirked. "I'm gonna catch you Shige!"
Tomiishige ran to the large set of spiral stairs and was about to go down them when Ryoken caught up and was about to jump over the side guard.
"Ooooo! Ryo! Daddy says we can't do that yet!" yelled Tomiishige as Ryoken was halfway in jump to the floor.
Ryoken landed safely. The fifteen foot drop had no effect at all. Ryoken looked up at Tomiishige. "Oh come on Shige! Daddy says that it can't hurt us anyway! It's only like an inch and a half to our bodies!"
Tomiishige looked a little worried. He didn't want to break the rules since it was Christmas Day. He fully believed in Santa and had behaved so well through all of December that he could have been called an angel. He currently feared Santa coming back and taking all their gifts. On the other hand, he did want to get his presents and the candy in his stocking... "Um..."
Meanwhile in Shiken and Kyo's room, Kyo's eyes opened lazily. His ears twitched hearing their children. He heard something land on the ground floor. He instantly knew what was going on.
"Shiken, wake up. Our kids are jumping off this floor to get downstairs again." said Kyo as he nudged Shiken.
Shiken's eyes snapped open. He burst out of the room looking like a mess in a t-shirt and boxers. Kyo was the same since he had given Shiken a "present" last night. Shiken got to the stairs just in time to see Tomiishige jump down.
"Tomiishige! Ryoken! You two get back here!" shouted Shiken down at them as they ran to the tree. Growling when they didn't hear him, Shiken backed up a bit.
"Shiken, what are you doing?" asked Kyo with a little worry.
Shiken paid him no heed as he ran and then jumped off as well. At that moment, Shiyue and Kenri came out of their room. Kenri was wearing only his pajama pants and Shiken was wearing only his boxers. Obviously they had had the same sort of night that Kyo and Shiken had.
"What is with all the noise?" asked Kenri as he saw his son jump. At that moment, Kalin burst out of her room in a large t-shirt and sweatpants and jumped down as well. "Use the stairs! That's what they're there for!"
Shiyue just turned to Kenri and smiled. "But being able to jump like that is what makes being a Shinriyue fun!" shouted Shiken as he ran and jumped off doing a few flips before landing perfectly. Kyo's eyes widened.
"I find it very hard to believe that he's in his forties." said Kyo as he looked down.
Kenri just shook his head as he started going down the steps muttering something about how he married into an insane family. Raijin then walked up to Kyo looking borred and uninterested.
"What just happened?" he asked.
"Well let's see... My two children, husband, sister-in-law, and father-in-law have all just jumped down and ran to the living room." said Kyo as he counted them off with his fingers.
Raijin just shrugged. "Sounds normal."
When they got down stairs, they found Ryoken and Tomiishige being told off by Shiken who in turn was being held back by Shiyue from doing anything dangerous. Kalin was sitting with all her gifts around her. Kenri was sorting through them all and putting them in seperate piles.
"And further more, you guys aren't ready to jump like that! I don't know how many times I've told you so!" shouted Shiken as he finished.
Tomiishige and Ryoken looked down shame. Tomiishige was the first to speak. "Daddy, you won't tell Santa to take back our gifts will you?" he asked innocently with his eyes big and full of tears. Shiken sighed.
"No Tomiishige, Santa's not coming to take away your gifts, and even if I did get him to, Kyo and your grandparents wouldn't let him take 'em."
Tomiishige smiled. "Thank you daddy!" he yelled before jumping on Shiken which made him fall onto the couch on top of Kyo who just so happened to be sitting there.
Kyo pulled Shiken closer as Tomiishige ran over to his pile of gifts and then started arguing with Ryoken who about who got the bigger ones. "Mmmmmm... Santa gave me a very good gift already." said Kyo as he nuzzled into Shiken's neck. Shiken blushed.
"Kyooo! Not now!" said Shiken a little loudly as he tried to hold back some giggles from Kyo tickling him.
"Fine, be a spoil sport. Go open your gifts." said Kyo in mock pout. Shiken gave him a short kiss before trying to snuggle closer to Kyo.
"You know what, I kind of like it here. Maybe I will stay a bit longer before I open some gifts." said Shiken with a smirk.
Kyo's arms wrapped around Shiken's waist. "I can live with that."
"DADDY! Ryo stole some of my candy!" whined Tomiishige before Ryoken put a hand over his mouth.
"Quiet tattle-tale!" hissed Ryoken.
Kyo looked at the twins with an expression that clearly stated he was annoyed. "Ryoken, give your brother back his candy. Then both of you go play with your toys. End of discussion." said Kyo before trying to get Shiken to burst out laughing.
"Yes daddy." chorused the twins before grabbing everything that was theirs and running off.
At that time, Shiyue slapped his forehead. "Oh shit! I forgot! Inori and his family's coming over for breakfast! We have to get decently dressed!" he shouted.
Imeadately, all of them ran out of the room. After the sounds of many doors slamming shut, a few minutes later, everyone emerged looking decent just as the door bell rang. Tomiishige and Ryoken, who were now out of their pajamas, ran out of their room and were about to jump again to answer the door. However Shiken glared at them causing them to run down the steps.
"Uncle Aren!" they both shouted as they opened the door.
Aren held out two brightly wrapped boxes. "Merry Christmas you two." he said with a smile. The twins hugged him.
"Thank you!" they shouted before running inside and starting to tear into them.
Shiken leaned back against Kyo as he saw what was going on. His eyes closed as he relaxed. Kyo wrapped his arms around him.
"Something on your mind?" Kyo asked.
"No Kyo. Just thinking about how much I love you."
"How much?"
"Mmmmmm... More than can be humanly measured. I love you Kyo."
"I love you too Shiken."
Okay, now the story is over. For all the people that reviewed through the whole thing, thanks so much. But a big portion of the thank you's go to GoldenTears who was the one who reviewed the most. Like I said in the last chapter, this is the end for Shiyue, Kenri, Shiken, and Kyo. However, you can expect them to make a few apperances in some new stories of mine! Okay, that's all for now folks! Until my next story!