Shallow breath and poisoned tears
Chill her senses, calm her fears.
In her brain: a million ways
To kill the torment of the days.
In her eyes reflections pale
Of sordid ghosts that drain the grail.
In her ears the echoes harsh
Of long-dead days of life's cruel farce.
Underneath her moving feet,
Dirt and brimstone, ashes meet.
On her hands the bloodied scars
Of deeds done in the name of Mars.
Looking upward to the sky
She sees the light of Heaven die.
Gazing downward, far below,
The blackened pits of Satan grow.
And so I return once again to my first true love of storytelling through poetry *yay*. I actually have many other epic poems in progress, but after what happened with Aries's Lover I wanted to be sure to finish the entire piece before posting it. ;) As always, I'll update it once more this week and then once a week after that. Hope you like it. Happy reading. =)