I really like this story I hope you do to.


She walked across the street that separated the two houses from one another. Her name was Lily Michelson. She had waist length, white blond hair and light green eyes. She wore a pair of kakis, a red halter-top, and thick-soled glitter sandals. The time was about 7:30 in the morning on a Monday. The house behind her was her own and the house she was heading to belonged to family friends. Well two family friends, Mr. and Mrs. Whitman and then was there son, the creature. His name was Matt and he was extremely aggravating. Lily walked up to the old wooden side door, pulled out her spare key and opened the door. The site that greeted her was Mrs. Whitman powering coffee into Mr. Whitman's special mug.

" Hello Lily" Mrs. Whitman said in a high cheery voice, she was a woman who always had a smile no matter what happened. She has short red hair and dark blue eyes.

" Hey Mrs. Whitman, is HE awake" Lily said as she sat on one of the stools that lined the island (AN: You know those counters in the middle of kitchen) in the middle of there kitchen. Mrs. Whitman laughed knowing exactly who she meant.

" Yes, but Matt is in the mitts of trying to avoid you" Mrs. Whitman said with a smile. The thought of Matt avoiding her was very funny for the boy always was up in his room, well in the mornings. You see ever since Lily was five, every summer they had sent Lily to be with the Whitman's in the mornings and Matt had come to stay at her house in the evenings. Well, she actually only had to stay on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, but it felt like more.

" Who am I avoiding mom" A male voice said from the stairs in the next room.

" What the hell are you doing up" Lily said as Matt walked down stairs.

" Language Lily, Language." Mr. Whitman said as he came down the stairs after Matt.

" Oh dad give her a break, she IS permanently PMSing!" Matt said as he kissed him mom on the cheek. Matt looked ok, for an asshole. He had short dark brown hair, dark blue eyes and a good body.

" Oh I love ya too Matt" Lily said as Matt frowned.

" Now Mr. Whitman and I are going out this morning now will you please act the 15 and 17 year olds that you are" Mr. Whitman said who happened to look a lot like Matt in an old person kind of way.

" Why must you leave me with 'the freshman' " Matt said as he ran his hand through his hair.

" Because she is the mature one" Mrs. Whitman stated as he and Mrs. Whitman walked out the door.

" Well I guess it's just you and me this morning," he said with a raised eyebrow. Lily smiled; this was the one tradition they had when Matt woke up early, which happened to be the only time they got along.

" Egg Mic muffins?" asked as she got up with a smile but it disappeared as he stepped closer. Lily's heart began to beat faster.

" Sorry dear, I can't forgive you for that crack about my girlfriend last week" he said with a serious look, while he leaned his forehead against hers. Lily was having trouble understanding what he was saying, she wished he would step back. He then did the unthinkable as he lowered his face down to her lips, but stopped a milliliter before there lips touched.

" Bye" he said slowly with an arrogant smile as he pulled away and walked out of the room leaving a very confused Lily.


Matt: 1

Lily: 0


Please review! I really hope you liked it!
