Beaten down

Im a failure
Im a failure looking down the barrel of a gun
A stupid fuck who never had much fun

In this world of scum
In this world of shit

I am left behind unnoticed
I lose almost every time

I fucking ache
I fucking hurt
I wanna see my blood splatter all over my shirt

Sometimes I wonder why I have put up with shit like I always had
And I know I wanna see people feel bad
For me

Someone finally feeling something for the kid wh never made it
tried so hard
and every time got fucking knocked down
Into the ground

I take a look around
I look deep inside and see nothing
I am the shit of the world
In your eyes

I try
I fail

I lose
I lose

I shake
and break

This world is far to harsh
Sometimes I think I can't take it anymore
Life is so boring
Wasting away

Knowing the second your born
Is the second you begin to decay

You live to die
You live and get high

Get the most out of life
Keep on trying
Before you end up dying

Get lost in this world
Get lost in this place but unlike the others
Hold on to your morals

Keep them deep inside
Allow them to hide
But if you ever need them
They are there