42 is the Answer

42 is the answer.

42 is the answer.

42 is the answer.

42 is the answer.

42 is the answer.

42 is the answer.

42 is the answer.

42 is the answer.

42 is the ans-


It's enough to make a person scream!

And there are so few who understand.

I am not one of the few.

I am one of the many.

The many who don't understand.

Why is the number, 42, the answer? And to what?

If you know then, please, tell me.

If not, then, read on, and you will find my theory.


For one reason or another, people have found this strange belief that the number 42 is the answer. To what and why, is what I question. Here is my theory:

For a moment I would like you to think of the symbol called "Tai Chi" (the ultimate matter). It symbolizes the embodiment of the forces Yin and Yang. Tai Chi shows the equal balance of dark and light, life and death, night and day, hot and cold, etc.

"In the circle, the two forces equilibrate the energy and keep everything balanced. No force is stronger or weaker than the other, when one is at its highest, the other is at its lowest. Together the Yin and the Yang become a whole and thus keep the universe in harmony."

Now I would like you to, for a moment, think of mathematics. 42 is a number divisible by 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, and 42. Each number multiplied by the corresponding number creates equilibrium 42. Meaning, that 1x42=42x1, or, 3x14=14x3. It will always be that way. One number by the other number will always balance out. "…when one is at its highest, the other is at its lowest…"

But notice that two of the numbers divisible by 42 are 6 and 7. For those of you who don't know, 6 is the number of the devil, and 7 is the number of God. 6x7=7x6=42. 42 is an equal balance of 6 and 7. 42 is an equal balance of God and Satan. 42 is the answer to heaven and hell.


That's my theory.

It may be wrong, but that's the fun of theories, right?

Proving them right.

Or wrong.

That's my theory of why 42 is the answer.

But you wanna know what the real dilemma is?

If 42 was the answer,

What was the question?