pathetically inept at poetry.
Warnings: PG-13 for murder and just plain weirdness.
Blankface Babble: Okay, I'm insane. So what. I had a split personality and
I killed my other half. Frankly, I'm much better off without her.
Summary: Have you ever felt as if there were someone else living inside of
you? Have you ever suffered from her actions so much that you wanted to
kill her?
I walk in and she's there
For our final confrontation.
She, in her perfect world,
I, in desolation.
She smiles, I frown
There's tension in the air
I grimace at her perfect teeth,
Her perfect eyes, her perfect hair!
A smile plays her glossy lips,
Like a little demon child
As she stares me up and down,
Like a beast stalking the wild.
She starts down at my shoes,
That are covered and matted with dirt,
Up to my jeans with holes,
And then to my baggy shirt.
Her cold eyes keep staring,
As they finally reach my face
And I whisper to her ever so softly,
"It's time to show you your place.
"Everybody knows you,
You and your stupid fame!
And yet they don't know one thing about you,
Not even so much as a name!"
My voice is getting stronger,
With each and every word.
Say I, "My words were silenced,
But now I will be heard.
"They stare at me like I'm abandoned!
A lost and frightened pup,
But we are so very different that,
I don't know how they mix us up!
"I run, you walk,
I give you take,
I'm lost, you're found
I don't understand!
"I'm crying, you're laughing,
I'm hurt, you giggle,
I just don't get it!
It's like this big riddle!
"In your small world,
You make everything seem easy!
You don't make any mistakes,
You have no insecurities!
"You don't cry, you don't beg,
You don't touch, you don't feel,
But I know your secret-
I know you're not real!"
This time while I'm yelling,
All this entire while,
She flinched not an eyelash,
Not even her smile.
Quieter, I said, "I really hate to rain,
Down on your parade,
But the time has come
For you to end this charade."
I picked up a rock
Lying close to my feet,
And hurled the rock at her,
To help make the ends meet.
I threw it the distance,
What felt like a mile!
But most of all, I threw it
At her Barbie-doll smile.
It struck where I aimed.
At her center, her heart.
I really wouldn't mind the seven years,
As long as we were apart.
She cracked! She shattered!
An unearthly scream filled the air!
And finally broke the smile
She would forevermore wear.
It was over at long last.
The final confrontation was done.
I had broken her spirit,
And no longer had to run.
So I turned my back to her shattered remains.
I stepped away from her endless perfection.
I was free from the mirror that held me.
I walked away from my once-was reflection.
Blankface Babble: o.O Yes. That was messed up in so many ways that it
should be illegal. Not only did the rhyme scheme suck, but I'm sure that
everyone's ready to run away screaming after reading this. But before you
do high tail it out of here, please remember to review. Hell, I'll even
take flames if you got 'em.