Disclaimer: Mine

Summary: Ok, this chapter is too short to really matter about the summary. Just go along your merry way and I'll put up the usual. ^_^ A great battle between the greatest forces of good and evil shook the land of Cainer eight years ago. The forces were lost among the land and it's up to two travelers to find them and return balance to the world. - -

Alexandra reached the edge of the Howant Forest. The conversation between her and Vander was still ringing in her ears. Perhaps she should have stayed, at least for another day or so. Alexandra entered the forest and followed a path that was already beaten. If Vander was right about her life being set up, then she was sure that the old man in the tavern had a part in it. But that didn't matter now. She was going away from Sadure. Away from the old man.

A twig snapped off to Alexandra's left side. She shifted her bow on her back and kept her hand on her dagger, but continued walking. After another moment, she heard yet another snap and then the gentle crush of leaves underfoot. This time, Alexandra stopped in her tracks.

"So, Vander, I suppose you decided to come with me after all."

From the brush off to her left, her traveling companion emerged. "How did you know it was me?" he asked.

"Most thieves attack from the right side in an attempt to catch the victim off guard by forcing them to defend themselves with their non-dominant hand. Vander, you're the only person who knows that I'm left-handed, and so you were traveling on that side," Alexandra said with a smile, "You know me well, Vander."

"I'm aware that I know you better than most. But in reality, my knowledge about you amounts to nothing."

"Good. Let's keep it that way." - - Blankface Babble: Ok, that's it for now. I need to spend the rest of my free time wrestling with my homework and other fics before I can continue on this. Unless someone really begs me to. And even then, there's no guarantee. I still have to finish 'Hero's Ballad', write more to 'Midnight's Eve', and still find time to work on a fic that Draconix and I are working on (It won't be up for a while). But still, I luv everybody who read my stuff. *Wipes tear from eyes* Thank you! ^_^ oh, and please remember to review!