Bees in the Grass; REM

By: Mika

Anieya sighed as she looked over at her councilor. His scared dark eyes watched her. Like he knew something. Something she knew. She brushed back her hair and arched and eyebrow at him. Making him drop his glasses.

Clearing his throat he said, "Why don't we talk about your nightmares..?"

Anieya rolled her eyes. With an annoyed shrug glanced at her feet and whispered, "Because I don't have nightmares. I have night terrors, and I don't remember them."

He nodded and sighed. Looking down at his hands he tried to think. What to tell the sad girl in front of him? What should he do? Did she know? Was she like him? What was going on? He swallowed and glanced up at her. Her golden eyes stared back at him. Like they knew something. Something no one else knew.

The golden eyed girl sighed. She tilted her head and listened to the ticking of the clock on the wall. It was ticking away the minutes. Any minute now she'd have another attack. Breya would be back to show her more. Rubbing her head she let out another sigh. The friends, as Anieya called them, didn't realize what they were doing to her.

They just wanted her to know what was going on. To show her, so she could show her people. Only her people, the humans, weren't ready. And neither was Anieya. And the friends were destroying her very sanity. Sometimes she just wished they would go away and leave her alone.

"Do you remember what you feel in the dreams, Anieya?" Her councilor asked her. His scared eyes watching her. Glancing up she found him watching her. Watching like he was trying to see inside her.

She smiled a little insanely at him. He didn't want to see inside her mind. Inside her mind was hell. A hell like no other. She sighed and blinked her weary eyes. Her voice was never above a whisper as she said, "Pain. And fear, fear like nothing I have ever felt when I was awake."

The councilor nodded and made humming sounds. He looked at the tea he had given her. It was almost gone. That was good. But. If she was like him, and he was sending her to that place. What would happen there? Was he making a horrible mistake? He could only pray her parents knew what they were doing.

The girl glared silently at him and took the last drink of the tea. It was sticky, and slightly gritty. Sighing she stood to leave and the room around her tilted. Everything went blurry and she slumped back into her chair before it all went dark.

~End Chapter Four.

A.N. Sadly the next chapter will be the last. Yes this story is drawing to a close. Sadly.