My child, my child
You need not worry
My hand is on your life
I haven't forgotten you
I have heard your cries

I've been reaching, reaching
For I too need to feel your love
All I've wanted to do
What my heart yearns for
Is to catch you up in my arms

You've heard me call your name
And I've seen your face beam with joy
At the sound of your Father's voice
My child, you can't imagine
How I feel when I hear you call back

Take the waves of peace I've offered
Receive the joy I give to you freely
As I lie beside you in this green pasture
Hear my voice, hear my heart
My hand can not stray from your heart

Child of Zion, take my hand
And we'll walk together through this trial
Don't think you suffer alone on this road
Don't think I don't feel the pain you feel
Trust me, trust me, trust me