
Fuck off back to fairyland

Your life where pain is 'a waste of time'
Where tears are alien
And every morning dawns with smiles
Where support and happiness abound
Where loneliness is just a word
You are oh-so-happy every day
Your future's clear your life is planned
Your whole damn world is fairyland

That's grate, that's fine, I'm really glad
That you have found your place at last
But I'm still trying to find my way
And the only thing that you can say
(You who not so long ago was just as lost as me)
Is that depression is a 'waste of life'

So I tell you that there's nothing wrong
And hope that you will leave it be
Then I'll not trespass on your perfect life
So when I snap or shout or blame
And tell you of my hurt or pain
You bat your eyes and sharply say
There's no need to speak to me that way
I tried to warn you to 'let it go'
Just give me time to work this through
Coz you really just don't have a clue
How much I loathe every breath I take
So run back to your butterflies
And leave me to my blackened world
I hope you never feel like this
Alone, bereft, unsure, adrift
But you will never understand
So fuck off back to fairyland!

:-) - So what did you think? I'd really appreciate your opinion. Thanx.