After the show I went back to the band room, where we got ready, to pack up. I always put my stuff in the back corner on the same side as the door. I bent down to put my make-up in my purse. I wanted to pack up before Mr. Barns came in to give us are "great show" speech. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I smiled when I saw who it was. Greg.
"Hey, great show" he said with a smile
"Thanks" I said also smiling. "I didn't think you would come".
"Yeah, and miss seeing you" he said as we walked over to two folding chairs in the back of the room. I smiled.
"So what was your favorite act?" I asked
"The comedy act was sweet; the customer guy was the best!"
"I felt weird, he liked Walnut, and so did I."
"You're so sweet," I said. Greg smirked. "You know," he flirted, "we've been friends for a long time and ya' know we should start going out."
"You know, I have been thinking." Before I knew it his dreamy eyes were so heavenly that I was kissing Greg. I pushed him away just in time to see Walnut turn to go out of the room. I watched him until I couldn't see him anymore. I looked back at Greg.
"Sorry," I said "I realized all this time it wasn't you who I liked; I just wouldn't admit that I liked someone else. You're great but, I don't know if you really like me. Even if you really do I think I might just regret this." I left him to find Walnut.
When I got outside the band room, I ran down the hallway that led to the gym. Sure enough, I found him there sitting at the table where you sat if you forgot your gym clothes staring out into the black hushed gym. He turned to see me.
Hey," he said softly. "Great show."
"Tim," I said. "Look I know you like me, don't tell Mike that I'm telling you this but, I talked to him. He told me the truth, and believe me he didn't want to."
Walnut looked up at me, surprised.
"You know that guy I was kissing, I'm not going out with him, but it made me realize that I didn't liked him, it just covered up for me really liking you." He looked at me and smiled.
"I would never have guessed," Walnut said, still smiling.
"Yeah, well I hide it better," We both started laughing.
"So would you go out with me," asked Walnut
"Well, no see Mike also told me that you only liked me because of my looks. That wouldn't feel fight for me," I said, cheerlessly
"No, I really didn't, I sort of did but I didn't know you than. What was I suppose to do. I couldn't help it, it just happened. Now that I know you kind of, I really, really like you," he smiled. "I won't make that mistake again. Promise."
"OK, I understand," I said, gladly.
"So do want to grab an ice cream tonight? My family always goes out after advents like this" he asked.
"I'd love to" I said, smiling.
The door to the gym made a big screech. I looked to see all of Walnuts friends Mike, Cody, Will, Clark and Aaron and all of my friends, Riley, Emmy, and Molly staring at us. They were all smiling. They were happy. Walnut and I smiled and everyone started to laugh. As we were leaving I thanked Mike for everything, even for blabbing. Walnut-I mean, Tim, thought it was a dream come true.