Disclaimer: MINE!

Warnings: PG-13 for possibly offending content and death. Cover your ears little ones! (Hehe, just kidding. )

Summary: O.o Okay, here it goes: A secret group of Russians declare war on the US, but this time, it's taking place in America. This is the story of two lovers who must find their way to each other once again, all in the midst of the terror of war. Whoo hoo.

Blankface Babble: Yes! My muse is back! Stands up and dances around...before falling over due to that hateful hateful gravityMutters under breath Yea, well this is a story that was inspired by the song "Jet-Black New Year" by Thursday. I've been meaning to write this for a while, but hey, I'm a lazy bum, so I didn't. Words in Italics lyrics. Don't sue me, K. Oh, one more thing! Flames are welcome (reviews even more welcome), just as long as the story is read first!

Prisoners in our own country. That's all that we are, sitting here in our cell: prisoners. A few months ago, I never would have thought that it was possible, but everything is different now. America has been invaded by a secret congregation of Russia who simply call themselves the Red. The US intelligence didn't have any warning before New York, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Kansas City, Missouri, Austin, Texas, and all other major cities was bombed with nuclear missiles and became nothing but smoking craters in the earth. The government scrambled frantically to hide the president and protect what power and weapons we had managed to maintain. There has been no word of the president since that day four months ago. The US military is valiantly combating the Red, but they are inexperienced. Again, the presence of the Red was unknown to American Intelligence and even Russian Intelligence, so the military is unprepared to meet such enemies. This fact, of course, only adds to the apprehension and fear felt by every single American. This is the first war ever to be held on the American turf. Not only on our own homeland, but also in our favorite hangouts and even our backyards.

I was once just an everyday 18-year old guy, who was busy with skipping classes in high school and spending quality time with the TV. The most important thing in my life at the time was how to keep up my grades to at least graduate and finding ways to get away from home. Back then, I would have given anything to escape fromthat placewith my girlfriend, Arin. Arin was as much of a rebel as I was, but she was always much more levelheaded. I love her so much that it literally hurts to be away from her. I could never leave her behind, no matter what. That's why we were going to run away together. I couldn't stand staying in the same city as my parents at the time. But now, to tell you the truth, I really miss my mom and dad...

We were going to run away to Colorado, Arin and me. I had broken out of the house early in the morning, before the sun even raised its sleepy eyelid above the horizon. Giddy with excitement, I drove to Arin's house a few miles away. Finally, for what seemed like after an eternity, I slowed down my beaten up Chevy outside of her house. Her house was pure white, trimmed in black, and looked almost likether perfectcottage home: warm, cozy, and secure. I chuckled to myself as Arin's dyed black hair appeared from around the bleached corner. She lookedfrom side to sidefor any witnesses who may have seen my truck before deciding that the coast was clear and bounded to my vehicle with a duffel bag in tote.

I remember just how she had looked when she opened the door, carelessly tossed her bag in the backseat, and looked at me. Her pale cheeks were rosy with the excitement and the adrenaline rushing through her veins and a cool, gentle breeze played with her hair; picking it up in ebony waves and releasing it again in threads of velvet. Her eyes were sparkling with emerald amusement as they bored deep into my own. Arin was more than beautiful to me. She was like a goddess. She was the only one whom I loved more than life itself. She was the only one who could make me feel utterly complete. She was my soul mate and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

"So," she had said, "I guess that it's about time that we got out of this place. It's time to get away from KC, MO once and for all."

I slowly revved the engine and drove the truck away from our childhood homes, disappearing into the gray light beginning to creep forward from the heavens. Arin leaned over and kissed my cheek and I instantly felt my blood rush to my head, almost as if to meet her lips through the skin. She pulled back and laughed lightly, almost even musically.

"Having fun, Jason?" she had asked me as she turned on the radio.

"Aren't I always having fun when you're around?" I had responded while my blush subsided.

"Of course! And.-"

All I remember after that was the terrified glint of fear in her emerald eyes as an emergency message came on the radio just a little too late to warn us of the incoming Red.

I shivered involuntarily as I was reminded of my past life. I thought that I had it bad when I was growing up; my dad was an out-of-work alcoholic and my mom was a preschool teacher. But I see now that the life I had before was a paradise compared to what it is now. Apparently, Arin and I had barely escaped Kansas City before it was blown from existence. All of our friends and family were killed in the blast. We were all that the other had left now, for the Red came by, found my truck and took us in as prisoners of war. Now, my life consists of nothing but wondering if the next day is going to roll around or not. Arin and I were separated a long time ago and it hurts more than ever to be away from her. I long to hold her to my chest and bury my face in her silky hair, but I cannot. The Red do not need to torture me, for separation from Arin is pure torture in itself.

"Arin, help me, give me strength," I whispered to the darkness of my cell in vain. I heard an irritable grunt from across the damp stone walls and another voice spoke to me.

"Please kid, all I ever hear you talking about is that damn girl! Will you just give it a rest for once!" the man snarled.

I grunted in reply, mainly because I don't have the strength of body or mind to get up and embed his nose into his face. I don't know this man's name, although I've never even tried to learn. There are half a dozen men and boys crowded in here, but that man is always the only one to speak to me. I hate that man. I don't care for anybody in this hellhole, and I really don't expect them to care about me. Arin is the only one I care about on this planet. She is my goddess.

The females reside in a cell separate from the males and guards patrol both cells regularly. Arin is being held with the other females, and if I can pull it off, I think that I can see her one last time. If I can manage to escape from the male's line on the way from the mess hall and run up the stairs of the building that our cells are in, I think that I can find Arin. I don't care if I die in the process, just as long as I get to see her one last time before passing on.

My back is pressed against the cold stone at the far end of the cell. This cell had been created by ripping off the door to a janitor's closet and replacing the naked opening with steel bars and cement. There is a hinged portion just large enough for us to crawl through, but when we go through it to get to the mess hall, the Red never fail to kick us in our ribs and grind their boots into our backs. The stones that build the walls of this cell are never dry and it has several cracks leaking water along the mortar. I think that one of the people in here, a little boy to be exact, has a cold due to the lack of dry clothes. No one is willing to go near him and he spends every moment whimpering in fear and pain. Normally, I would pity the boy, but I know that I must remain in my own corner if I am to survive and so I simply turn a deaf ear to him. It's not like it matters anyway. The cold will spread from person to person until we all have it, and because there is no medical assistance, we will all die. That's why I have to get out of here. I have to find Arin soon; I cannot die without seeing my goddess one last time.

Movement outside of the bars caught my attention and I snapped from the stupor I often sink myself in. A gruff voice yelled something in Russian and a burly Red unlocked the door and raised it up. I never understood what he said, but I knew that it had to be something along the lines of an insult. I waited in the back of the cell as the other six males crawled under the bars. I couldn't hear the soft grunts of pain that escaped their throats as the Red kicked away at their stomachs, but I knew that it hurt them. It always hurt, but showing our pain is only an open invitation for more. Finally, it was my turn to pass through. I grimaced in disgust as I was reminded of dogs crawling through a doggie door, but got on my hands and knees and crawled under the bars anyway.

I was aware of the boot flying out to kick me even before it connected with my ribs. I was used to the style of treatment by now, but I still longed for it to end. I finished crawling out of the cell and stood up in line. The burly Red that had opened the door moved to the front of the line and began moving forward while each male obediently followed.

I hated everything about this war with a passion. There is only one reason for me to survive and no more. I gritted my teeth and followed the Red to the mess hall. Actually, I believe that this building was once an office, but because it's recent occupants use it as a holding facility, it has been remodeled a little. The walls are lined with steel plating and the windows are barred off. I think that the Red must have had some difficulty getting supplies to this building though, because only the windows on the first through sixth floor have bars. I know of this flaw because the male cell used to be on the seventh floor, but was moved to the sixth when the female's cell moved in.

I'm now taking notice of everything as I walk to the mess hall. As far as I can tell, all of the proper guards are in their places so that no surprises spring up when I make a break for the female's cell after my meal. This will be my last time in this line. I will find Arin and escape with her no matter what the cost.

I haven't known the difference between lunch and dinner, if there even is a lunch and a dinner, since I became a prisoner. I knew that the year was nearing the end of August before I was captured, but since then, I've lost every sense of time that I had before. The only thing remotely close to a clock is my stomach and bladder. But my internal clocks don't tell me the difference between lunch and dinner, so instead of trying to label each one individually, I simply call them meals. Meals usually consisted of a chunk of stale, molded bread and watered down soup. Sometimes, we receive a cup of water, but that is only on rare occasions. It's a good thing that my cell leaks so much, otherwise I would already be dead from dehydration.

I barely touched my food for the eagerness of escape was creeping through me and I practically cheered when the meal was over and I was sent back to my cell with the other males. I took a place in line towards the middle, the fourth to be exact, and I prepared to run. As we neared the sixth floor, I began second guessing my plan and became nervous. What if it didn't work? What if the females weren't on the seventh floor like I thought? What if Arin was already dead?

I struggled to calm myself as the Red that was leading us looked back to me with a raised eyebrow. Thinking quickly, I clutched my crotch in the classic sign of needing a restroom and the Red laughed harshly and barked something in Russian. I don't understand what he said, but I know that it wasn't nice. He turned back to the front of the line and I let out a sigh of relief. I nearly destroyed my plan because of some simple nerve issues. I was furious at myself and resolved to follow through with the plan no matter what the cost.

When we arrived at the cell, the Red leading us lifted the door and the first prisoner began crawling under. There are usually two guards outside of the cell, but I know that one of them always comes back after we arrive to the cell, so that leaves me with one guard and an escort. The single guard always stood near the door leading to the staircase to the seventh floor and if my plan follows through, I can lead him away from there. It was now the time to begin.

I roughly pushed the people in front of me and behind me and caused them to fall from the line. The escort scrambled to compose the people in front of the line and the guard rushed to organize the end, leaving the door to the staircase unguarded.

Without a second thought, I sprinted across the room and threw open the door. Skipping every other step, I bounded up to the stairs and opened the door to the seventh floor. Just as I had suspected, the females were being led from their cell and were lined up with two guards and an escort.

Time stood still for a moment and I took notice of everything in room. The dark night sky could be seen through the window, which was boarded off with feeble looking wooden planks. There were lights shining like miniature explosions and I heard music outside the window along with the laughter of several drunken men. My gaze shifted to the line of females and I immediately noticed Arin. My Arin. Her hair looked as if it had been dipped in dark chocolate, for it had long blonde roots contrasting the dyed ebony ends. She had dark circles under her emerald eyes, and as soon as she saw me, her eyes came to life and sparkled as they had back in August.

Don't even take a breath

The air is cut with cyanide

In honor of the New Year.

The press gives us cause to celebrate.

The air raid sirens

Flood barbed wire skylines

By artificial night

As we sleep to burn the red

From our bloodless lives.

Tonight we're all time bombs

On fault lines.

In slow motion, Arin began running towards me with her arms outstretched and tears streaming from her eyes. A droplet of water fell on my arm and I noticed that I was also crying from sheer joy. She took two steps when the lights above our heads turned a blood red and sirens started screaming into our ears.

Have we lost everything now?

Walking like each other's ghosts

Around these silent streets

The sedatives tell you everything is all right.

Like calendars dying

At New Year's Eve parties.

As we kiss hard on the lips and swear

This year will be better than the last.

Jet Black

The ink that spells you name

Jet Black

The blood that's in your veins

Jet Black

We say, how can we take this chance

Not to celebrate?

Guards ran into the room and pulled out their weapons. They let loose their fire and bullets pierced everything in sight. The wooden planks covering the window splintered, and broke away to the ground below.

There's music playing

But we dance to the beat

Of our own black hearts.

And draw diagrams of suicide

On each other's wrists,

Then trace them with razor blades.

Fire to Flames

Strike match

Burn the words from our lips

As the dagger screams

'Love is dead!'

And it's a newspaper tragedy.

The sirens drowned out screams from the females and the lights above us shattered, causing miniscule glass shards rained down like millions of stars. I looked at our blood splattering the stone floor and noticed how dark the red lights made the liquid look. It was darker than red, almost even black.

(Have) Have we lost (Lost) Have we lost

What we love?

(Said) Have we said (Said) Have we said


(Does) Does it change (Does) Does it change


Stare at the clock

Avoid at all costs

This emptiness.

I was forced backward by bullets ripping through my body and Arin was driven to me, also decorated with dozens of nickel sized pits. Her body fell to mine and our lips connected in a deep, metallic kiss.

Have we lost everything now?

Walking like each other's ghosts

Around these silent streets

The sedatives tell you everything is all right.

Like calendars dying

At New Year's Eve parties.

As we kiss hard on the lips and swear

That this year, this year...

I felt no pain; in fact, the only thing I felt at all was the warmth of Arin.

Ten seconds left until midnight.

I ran my fingers through her silky, chocolate-dipped hair.

Nine chances to drown ourselves in black hair dye.

I felt myself be driven further back as the screams in the background grew softer.

Eight faces turned away from the shock.

I suddenly felt myself become weightless.

Seven windows and Six of them were locked.

Wind whipped past me, and the breeze played with Arin's hair: picking it up in ebony waves and releasing it again in threads of velvet.

Five stories falling.

I broke the kiss and her eyes were sparkling with emerald amusement as they bored deep into my own.

Four-ever, forever.

I brought my gaze to the reflective glass on the side of the building and watched our upside down selves' fall through space.

Three cheers to the mirror, now there are Two of us.

We clutched each other tightly and kissed one final time.

Can we have One last dance?

My Arin.

Jet Black

The ink that spells your name

Jet Black

The Blood that's in your veins

Jet Black

We say, "How can we take this chance

Not to celebrate?

My Goddess.


Blankface Babble: O.o Well, that was a little disturbing! Correction, a little more than disturbing. I'm sorry that I couldn't just jump to the ending and you probably fell asleep while reading the middle parts. But then again, I needed those things to be there in order for the story to make sense, so don't kill me! Nevermind. I know that you would never kill me. Would you? ..; Nah, I didn't think so. Thanks for reading! Oh, and don't forget to review!