Disclaimer: MINE!
Warnings: Umm.G it's just plain not radical enough for any
other rating. O`.o Yea! G Ratings! WOOT!
Blankface Babble: O.o Hehe, wow. I forgot about this poem (All of my works
hide from me because I threatened to shred them if they ever saw the light
of day again.) ^_^ See, I pretty much write poetry when I'm depressed, but
then they come out all dark and angsty. Yeah. I have some major issues.
Okay, so this one isn't as angst-ridden as some I've written, but hey, you
have to remember that I SUCK AT POETRY! In fact, I think that it's kinda
funny. ^_^ I wrote this one a few years ago and never got around to doing
anything with it. Well, here goes.


Do angels clash among the heavens?
Do mermaids battle under the sea?
Do demons fight, engulfed in fire?
Do humans kill needlessly?

Why do we talk behind our own backs?
Why do we discriminate to those not the same?
Why does the little boy fight his small sister?
Why is this world all about beauty and fame?

Does the mother fight with the father?
Does the child fight with her friends?
Does the deer flee from the hunter?
Are there really such things as amends?

Why do we kill for that reason unknown?
Why does hatred destroy us like cancer?
Why are there oh-so-many questions,
And yet somehow, not enough answers?


Blankface Babble: O.o Well. That sucked. Feel free to flame. I know I
would, so I can't blame you! Hopefully, my other poems will be better. My
muse has been on vacation for a while and I can't write until she comes
back, so I'm doomed to rewriting old stuff. _ Noooo!