Warnings: Yes! Enter the angst! PG 'cause I said so.
Blankface Babble: Haha! ^_^ I finally found something with muy angst! Ok,
so it doesn't even have that much, but it's the only one I can find at the
The little girl smiled
Wet streaks courses down her cheeks
Sadness in her eyes spilling out.
She smiled despite pain
A sweet crescent across her face
Hiding her emotions from others.
She felt desolation
Had been abandoned by faith
And felt all alone in the world.
Yet, despite her pain
She smiled through it all
Led by the façade of her joy.
So the little girl smiled
Wet streaks now dry
And yet sadness in her eyes,
Spilling out.
Blankface Babble: Ha! There was some of that angst I was talking about!
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Have a nice day. ^_^