Warnings: it's not crazy enough for anything else.
Blankface Babble: Well, if you think that you've seen weird, you haven't
seen anything yet! *Blows on a kazoo that popped out of thin air and
parades around the room playing the song "Yankee Doodle Dandy"* Hehe. That
was fun.
Aztec God
There once was an Aztec god
With bronzed skin and black hair.
He sat among the clouds
Watching the people below.
He watched night and day
With a goblet of wine in his hand
And a platter of fruit by his side.
He watched the people below in all their misfortunes.
He watched as droughts, floods, and earthquakes troubled the people.
Then he would throw his head back
And he would laugh.
His jugular bounced with every pulse of movement
And his voice would carry to the people below
Roaring as thunder in their ears.
And when the laughter was over
There was nothing
Blankface Babble: Ok, that wasn't as angsty as I'd hoped. Oh well. Better
luck next time.