Warnings: PG 'cause I said so! P
Blankface Babble: Ok, I was really pissed when I wrote this, like, three
years ago. But hey, if you've ever felt this way, raise your hand!
(Everybody in whole wide world begins raises their hands.) See! I told you
so! (When the people finish raising their hands, it's revealed that they
are all brandishing pitchforks and torches, and they're all scowling
constipated-like.) *Clears throat* ^.^* Well! On with it is!
The Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated.
But that doesn't mean anything to you, does it?
Shh. Quiet now, are you?
I know why.
I just walked by and you don't want me to hear.
You don't want me to hear what you say about me, behind my back.
And yet, as soon as I pass, you resume gossiping about me.
About the way I look, the way I dress, the way I talk, hell, the list is
I don't know who you think you are, doing that to me, because even though
you think that I can't hear you, I can.
My ears have greater purposes than holding my glasses.
Do you want to know what I think about you?
(And yes, you know who you are.)
I think that you are a coward, a chicken, and everything inbetween!
You can't even come face to face with me, and tell me what you think!
That's not how you work.
You hide behind your friends and tell them to insult me and to trip me.
But at least they have courage, unlike you.
You think that you're so perfect and nothing and no one can touch you!
You think that you're the ruler in this world, the master!
But you're wrong.
For one day, your kingdom will collapse in ruins around you.
Your servants will desert you.
And you will be alone.
But I'll be there.
No matter what you did to me, I will be there.
I will be there to assist you to your feet.
I will be there to help you.
After all,
That's what friends are for, right?
Blankface Babble: O.o Okay. That was strange. But hey, I am the epitome of
strange! I'm a vertically challenged freak of nature with trouble holding
onto her sanity and laughs every time she hear the word Buttcheek! *Giggle*
*snort* ^_^ Buttcheek.