Fiction »
General Rated: K, English, Words: 261, Published:
Mat was a very gregarious person, and was very sociable. He wasn't stubborn or intractable. That's why it was so easy to mollify, or soften, him to my plan. Alison, though, was harder to get on my side because of her egomania, or self-obsession. When she had no one else to talk to, she would give a soliloquy, or speech to herself, and it was often in several languages as she was a polyglot. In order to get her to go along with us, I had to remind her about that time when I gave her an analgesic, or pain killer, when she had a caustic sensation in her stomach and it felt like there was a hole burning through it. What I wanted to do was depose, or remove, the oligarchy, or government by a few, in our land from power, or at least get them to abjure, or renounce, their proclaimed hate of ichthyologists, or fish scientists. No one really knew why they hated fish scientists so much, but I came from a long line of ichthyologists, so their opinion was very disturbing to me. With a confluence, or flowing together, of Mat's, Alison's, and my own ideas, we were able to get our horrid leaders giving circumlocution, or circle talking, to the press, and making everyone somniferous, or sleepy, with boredom. Eventually, all the land hated the oligarchy so much that they resigned, and Mat, Alison, and I became the new rulers of our land, a land that now harbored and respected ichthyologists.