Get away from me the brown haired girl wanted to shout at the world. Whenever she thought she could be happy, something like this had to go and happen. She hated everything. Why couldn't they ever let her be happy? Everything she was good at, someone else who had more power than her had to go and take it away. She didn't understand it. What was so wrong with going to the other worlds? Just an escape, that's all she had wanted. But instead, they trap her here and now, in reality. It wouldn't be as bad if she was happy, but now they were keeping her here until she "calmed down". Just thinking about it made a whole new wave of anger wash over her.
"I'll never stop, you stupid assholes! You can't make me stop trying!" she screamed, trying to rip the wires off her head. When she failed, she ran over to a wall and began banging her head against it. Maybe I'll just kill myself, she thought angrily. Immediately, two large attendants rushed in. it wasn't fair, what they were doing to her, monitoring her thoughts like this. The attendants pulled her away from the wall and one held her well the other one used restraints to fasten her to the small bed.
"Now Violet, we said that if you were good, we could release you. Don't you want to be free again?" the attendant holding her asked.
"I'll never truly be free unless I can jump to the other worlds!" she replied, and broke down sobbing. "And my name isn't Violet! My name is Adriana!"
"You're gonna have to get used to being called by your real name, Violet. If you can't, then maybe once you're released, your mother will let you change it. Now be good and well let you off the bed in a little bit for dinner. You don't want to go back to having an IV do you?" asked the other attendant, not waiting for an answer. He checked the straps to make sure they were secure, and walked back out.
She couldn't even see where the door was once it was shut. It seemed like the people were always coming from a different place. All sorts of people came, doctors, students, artists, who knows what else? But never Clem. He had promised that he wouldn't let anything come between them. Maybe something happened to him, she wondered. Before she was taken here, she had been teaching him how to jump worlds. He wasn't very good, though, and she didn't know how long it would take him to find this one. She would wait, though. She would wait as long as it took for her dear Clem to come and find her here.