I thought we were done being dumb...but, it turns out, that was only the beginning.

Beth: I'm gonna go eat, converse with my family, do my chores so I can come over tomorrow and call you back.

Me: Oh! You're gonna do the four C's!

Beth: The four C's?

Me: Consume, converse, chores, and call.

Beth: I can't do it! I don't have two hands!

Beth: Are you gonna tell your mom?

Me: About the pfft?

Beth: No, about the ding!

Beth: He's imaturerer than us. Nods. Why did I say nods? Why didn't I just nod?

Andrew: Oh, honey, you could do so much better than him.

Me: What's wrong with him?

Andrew: He's like, six-five and eight-hundred pounds!

Jasmyne: This is really good coffee, does anyone want a bite?

Davis: Yeah, they're pretty good. I watched them play on the radio once.

Me: Oh the lime-manity! That is so something we'd say if we were limes!

Mom: But you aren't limes.

Me: We could be.

Mom: Are you sour?

Me: No, but I was salty once.

Beth: You know how we wanted to go to the school lost and found and ask for lives?

Me: Oh! We can go to the airport! I'm sure they've lost some lives!

Me: You know, mosquitos are kinda cute if you don't look at them.

April (to me): You look like a muffin

April (to Beth): And you look like a dragon

Beth: That's funny 'cause muffins eat dra...wait.

Amanda: You almost said muffins eat dragons.

Beth: Blah, blah, blah DDR tomorrow.

Me: Yard condo?

Me: Yeah? Well...your mom's a bald woman with blue hair!

Some lady: Whoa. It's a wall of people.

Me: -listening to music while on the phone with Beth- Listen! He's gonna get high!

Patrick: Your mom's a freshly painted ceiling!

Me: Your mom's a buttered piece of toast!

Paola: I don't like pain!

Me: Me either.

Paola: It's so...painful!

Beth: I like cottage cheese, unless it makes me sick.

Me: It's the cottage, I tell you!

Beth: Does it come from real cottages?

Me: Yeah. The wood shavings, you know. -pause- Paint and glue.

Beth: I knew it tasted gluey!

Me: And painty, and woody.

Beth: No, not really. The glue soaks up the wood.

Me: Wouldn't the wood soak up the glue?

Beth: Well, yeah. Wait! It would soak up the paint first, because glue is thicker than paint.

Me: And blood is thicker than water.

Me: Ohmigod, I thought I heard someone in my hallway playing moroccas.

Beth: -laughs-

Beth: -laughs harder- What does that sound like?

Me: Moroccas? Moroccas...moroccas... Mo Rocca!

Beth: Manda, I'm sorry to inform you.

Me: What?

Beth: I said: I'm sorry to inform you.

Me: Oh, I thought you said something about Bartholomew.

Me: What did you just say?

Beth: I don't know, but it was funny.

Ooooooookay, that's it. Stay tuned, but don't hold your breath. Who knows when we're coming back...again.