"Don't Be the Referee"

I've tripped and fallen, making my errors apparent.
You blow your whistle and call my foul.
I sigh and pick myself up, keeping thoughts silent.
For you are the referee, and I only a player.

Any mistakes, any errors, are all seen by your eye.
So quick you are to reprimand.
So quick am I to remorse.
You are the referee.

Why are you so quick to judge me?
I am only human.
Mistakes are bound to happen.
Or is that not in the book?

I get so discouraged since my victories are few.
My mistakes are abundant.
So are your chastisements.
Can there be no encouragement?

Why can't you just pick me up?
Why not encourage me to do better?
No, you can't play the coach.
You are the referee.

The coach encourages and advises.
You give only penalties.
The coach runs to lend a hand and help the fallen one.
The referee stops the clock and stands idly by.

Why can't you be the coach?
Perhaps life would improve.
But you are stuck in the stripes and whistle.
And I am hurt on the sidelines.

A/N: This is about no one in particular. It's just the result of a lot of mixed up feelings towards several parts of my life right now.