Warnings: .After some careful consideration *coff coff, I got advice
from my friends* I have rated this PG for content. My friend, Phoenix, says
that she would not read this poem to her younger siblings, so it is
therefore not a G rating. Thanks Phoenix!

Blankface Babble: Ok, this is just another one of my strangely weird
dreams. Yes, I have dreams in which I am the Grim Reaper. But hey, you all
still love me anyways! ^_^


I travel on clouds of ebony mist,

Moving calmly silent trough the realm

Between the wasting and the immortal.

I am the one chosen to deliver

The message of those who pass

And those who remain.

I thrive and survive off of

My eternal solitude.

But on occasion, I have someone

To accompany me on my journey.

I travel between the realms

On a grim and somber mission.

I am the one that you scream at

In complete and utter terror.

I am the last vision that you will ever see.

For once I embrace you with my ominous grace,

You will travel along side my essence.

It may only be for a moment,

But your fate will belong in my omnipotent hands.

You will join me on my grim and somber mission.

You will join me eventually,

Oftentimes against your wishes.

But your time will come, will or not.

You shall have no say in the matter

And I shall take you away as part of

My nondiscriminatory duty.

I am my duty, I am your fear, I am



Blankface Babble: See, now I would read that to my younger I
had to scare them. Bwahahahahaha. Yeah, I'm evil like that. ^_^
But hey, I hope that all of my readers enjoyed my twisted sense
whatever this was! Oh, and remember to review! Thanks again! ^_^