Tainted Fate

Disappointment was something Winnie Genji felt on a daily basis. After her beloved German father's death her mother abandoned her selfishly only to return to her homeland of Japan. Due to these unfortunate circumstances she now resides with her child hood friend Luke Robbs and his family. Aside from her family problems, school also isn't so fortunate for this young 15 year old. She is often referred as odd and is picked on for being short and underdeveloped. But one day an unexpected meeting takes place and turns her world upside down…..

The alarm clock rang and rang as Winnie lay asleep in her small room.

"Dammit Winnie….don't you hear the alarm clock?" Luke growled as he walked into her room.

"earth to Winnie…" he said sarcastically as he shook her frantically trying to wake her up.

"RAPEE RAPEE!" She screamed at Luke trying to piss him off.

" Psst! You wish! Why would I rape a little GIRL like you?"

"POINT TAKEN NOW LET ME GET DRESSED!" Winnie said while sitting up.

"With pleasure~!" Luke said while leaving her room.

"Oh god.. another day of hell (school)…I'm so excited" she said while taking her night gown off.

Shortly after, Winnie came down stairs in her St. Maria's Academy uniform. This uniformed didn't really help her appearance that much; she looked like a little girl.

"Morning Winnie! Hungry?" Miss Robbs said with a smile as she was just taking freshly baked blue berry muffins out the oven. She was a sweet older lady, kinda looked like Martha Stewart, just not with the explosive temper.

"Oh yes very hungry!" she replied eagerly.

"Oh NO YOU DON'T! MA WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE…NO TIME FOR EATING!" Luke said while grabbing Winnie's hand proceeding to run out the house.

"BUT…" Winnie whined.

"Hush little one! I will buy you lunch, Bye ma!" Luke said while dragging Winnie out the door.

"You are so cruel Luke…"

"ahh hush, you know better.." Luke said while patting the short girl on the head.

Despite Winnie's bad luck, Luke was actually a very nice friend to have around, not to mention good looking as well. All the girls were after him, but who would blame them? He was very tall, 6 feet to be specific, with long silky golden brown hair that went down to his chin. The best part about him was his enchanting light aquamarine eyes; she could stare at them forever. However, despite Winnie's possible feelings, they were only friends and nothing more.

The two finally reached St. Maria's Academy. It was a beautiful cathedral looking catholic school, with stained glass windows of bright colours illustrating the virgin and Jesus. Despite its beauty, Winnie insisted it was the gates of hell.

"Well.. I better go" Winnie said starting to walk away from her friend.

"Why do you insist on loosing me every time? Are you embarrassed of me?" Luke asked irritated.

"You know…don't want anyone to think something is going on with us, you know what would happen if everyone knew we lived together. .." she paused with a fake cheery smile

"..besides…all the sexy guys will think I'm taken" she joked sticking her tongue out at Luke, proceeding to her first hour.

"…that girl" Luke said to himself with rolling his eyes.

Winnie knew that wasn't the true reason why she didn't talk to Luke that much in school. The truth was that she didn't want to ruin Luke's reputation. He had a very good school life, he was very popular, star of the soccer team, he has so many things going for him. She would just mess them up.

Winnie's first hour was Drama. She took the class in hopes of becoming more outgoing.

"Settle down you filthy mongrels!" Mr. Evans (the drama teacher) jokingly said.

Winnie sat down in her seat, which was of course way in the back secluded from everyone.

"As you know class, we have the big fall fest coming up, which means we have to decide on a play that we are going to do, any suggestions?"

"How about I.T. THE CLOWN?" An obnoxious boy named Dan shouted making the whole class laugh. He was far from good looking. He was Shorter than your average guy, plus with a shaved head. He desperately needed a good sense of humor.

"How about…NOT" Mr. Evans jokingly said.

A girl with long ,shiney, blonde hair, with crystal blue eyes raised her hand.

"Yes Mary Beth?"

"How about Romeo and Juliet?"

"..figures she would suggest that" Winnie mumbled.

"Since there seems to be no more further suggestions, what do you think class? I.T. the clown or Romeo and Juliet?" Mr. Evans asked.

"ROMEO AND JULIET!" exclaimed the whole class.

"I.T…I.T…" Winnie thought to herself.

"Romeo and Juliet it is!" Mr. Evan exclaimed.

"Try outs will be held shortly after I get copies of the play out to everyone then!"

"I wonder, since there are only 4 girls in this class, who Juliet is going to be…" Dan the bald class clown asked.

"Of course I'm trying out" Mary Beth, miss popularity stated.

"How about you Paris?" Mary Beth asked.

Paris was actually one of the only friends besides Luke that Winnie had.

"Ehh… I don't know" Paris said shyly.

"Lyn? How about you" Mary Beth asked again.

"Not so sure.." she replied.

"Wow looks like I won't have any competition" Mary Beth smiled mischieviously.

"Hey what about Winnie!" Paris said with a smile.

"Yikes…" Winnie said while hiding her face behind a book.

Everyone in the class laughed.

"Her? Be Juliet? Doesn't she have to be like over 5 feet to do that?" Mary Beth said Laughing.

"Yeah and Juliet is Italian…not Chinese!" Dan the class clown said making everyone but Paris and Winnie laugh.

"Err…." Winnie said speechless, even though she isn't speaking up doesn't mean that she isn't hurting inside.

"YOU JUST WATCH MARY BETH! Winnie is going to get the part way before you can get your dirty little hands on it!" Paris said right in her face.

"We'll see about that" Mary Beth said scorning Winnie.

'Great…what did Paris get me into now..' Winnie wondered.

A knock at the door was heard all of a sudden. A young handsome boy stepped in. He was tall with jet black hair that went to the middle of his cheek. His skin was tanned which really brought out his blue eyes. His name was Guy Camillo, of course aka future Romeo.

"Sorry I'm late" Guy said while sitting down in his desk.

"oh no.." Winnie said silently with a big gulp.

Of course Winnie didn't like guy, and of course didn't want to kiss him, and if she was Juliet she would have to.

"tehehehe" Paris giggled nudging Winnie.

"So did I miss anything?" Guy asked.

"Yes we are doing Romeo and Juliet for the fall fest!" Lyn said.

"Very nice" Guy smiled.

"So who's going to be my Juliet?" Guy said jokingly.

"HEY! Who says you're going to be Romeo sporto?" Dan asked jokingly.

"Most likely me Guy!" Mary Beth said cheerfully.

"Oh really?" Guy asked, very intrigued, before getting cut off by Paris.

"Hey Winnie is trying out for Juliet too! Right Winnie?"

Even though Winnie detested the idea of being Juliet and would rather put on a scary clown suit, she really hated how Mary Beth always made her feel bad about herself and she wanted to bring her down.

"Yes.." Winnie said with an innocent blush.

"Interesting…Good luck to both of you!" Guy said with a wink.

"yeah good luck twerp!" Mary Beth snarled.

"Whatever" Winnie said while rolling her eyes.

Drama continued as Winnie longed for the first time in her life to actually dress up as a clown and end all this Juliet stuff.