~A/N: Told you it was a short chappie. Really short. The next one is even shorter, but then after that they will elongate. I like to keep things abrupt as they keep you guessing! MUAHAHAH! Anyways, enjoy, and then review! ~

" Kyan, have you seen my guitar?" Asher asked, popping his head in.

" Acoustic or electric?" I asked, flipping the dagger in my hand into the air.

" Acoustic." He leaned against the doorframe. " Something wrong Ky?"

" No." Lying was so easy. I thought I knew where the guitar was. Getting up and leaving the dagger on the table, I carefully slid off and went out the front. Sure enough, leaning against the wall with the guitar in hand was Aris.

" Fancy seeing you here." She commented icily. It was a major change from what she usually spoke like. She never stopped playing.

" I thought I would find you here." I sat beside her, feeling her stiffen. " You playing?"

" Something I composed on my own."

" Ah."

I waited a few moments. " Aris, I'm sorry."

The guitar fell silent. I reached over to take it from her, but I accidentally touched her arm before the neck of the guitar. Aris cringed at the contact, and abruptly stood up.

" Asher must be wanting his guitar if he sent you to get it." She started to leave, but I wasn't going to let her slip through my fingers like sand. I stood up quickly.

" Why are you avoiding me?" I asked angrily, barely able to contain the hurt in my voice. She didn't turn.

" To make sure something like two nights ago never happens again."

Her answer stung but I shoved it aside as she disappeared.

" Smart move Kyan, what were you thinking that night?" I muttered to myself, banging a fist on the wall.

" Kyan!" It was Roonga. " Kyan!"

" What is it?"

" You had better get the group together. Slater and Dodie have been captured! They're being brought to the prison right now!"

The information hit me like a bullet. " Awww crap."

~A/N: Tis sad that I have only one loyal reviewer. I guess Colleenie never reviews cause she's busy reviewing the other stuff. Ah well. I hope to have the next one up soon!~

Tamaku Songi: I'm so glad you're back! And so thankful you reviewed! Sorry about the length. I'm trying to wrap up another story, and that means any other chapters are really short. This was actually written short in the first place, but I lost the notebook, so I couldn't update until I recently found it. HAHA! Thanks again.