~Heart Felt Conversations~

By M.

A.N.- This is what happens when two girls start talking about marrage. They start -thinking- *scary music plays* ^_^

"What is she doing?" Alex whispered to Lena.

"She's playing with candy," Miko interjected. "It's bad enough that she buys four bags of the stuff, but then she doesn't even eat it." The Chinese girl snorted and went back to eating her lunch. Even in college people still played with their food!

"You really want her to eat four bags of sugar?" Alex asked.

"No." Miko admitted. "It's just the principle of it all."


Caitlin waved her arm wildly gesturing for her boyfriend to be seated, hoping he would admire her accomplishment. Dating for the past three years had not cured their boiling interests for one another, probably because neither could figure the other one out. Their first hellos' resulted in two badly piqued curiosities, which then grew into a sort of affectionate fascination, and from there they progressed to official and fully recognized dating. Yes, that is our colleges 'Legacy-Of-The-Relationship- Between-Caitlin-And-Trevor'. Trevor crouched down opposite Caitlin and lifted an eyebrow at the chalky little hearts scattering the table.

She slid one over in front of him and smiled.

+Hello+ the tiny white heart said.

Trevor's eyes flickered over the candies. He put his finger down on one and slid it over in front of the braided girl.

+Hi Love+

Caitlin grinned and clapped her hands once.

+Cool+ said Caitlin's next heart.

+You rule, lover boy+ answered the two green hearts, Trevor picked out of the mix.

+Get real, As if+ Caitlin frowned in response, answering with two green hearts of her own. Trevor actually blushed as he realized his mistake, quickly replacing the offending heart with the ones he'd meant to choose.

+You rule, baby doll+ they said as he lightly slapped the replacement on the table.

.+How true+.

They both laughed relentlessly, until their attention once again settled on the tiny hearts.

Trevor's eyes flickered over the candies until they lit upon one specifically. For moments the tiny heart burnt under his gaze, until suddenly- with a burst of inspiration he began quickly arranging the hearts with one hand, and the other quietly fishing around in his pocket for the -something- he'd just found the perfect opportunity for.

+Got love, for you, only you, it's true, be mine, dear one+ said one orange, one green, one white and three pink hearts.

Caitlin looked at him, a little confused. Trevor suddenly seemed quite loquacious when it came to conversation via candy- like he knew beyond any possible doubt what he was going to say.

Then he swept the rest of the candies away, slowly, deliberately, as if he were obliterating all other words because they simply didn't matter. And with his hand concealing, he pushed a last remaining heart forward-

+Marry me+ Caitlin read, and smiled ecstatically at the glinting wedding ring around which the heart was framed.


AN: Aaah! Feel my heart melt into a puddle of goo! I wanted to dedicate this story to my good friend Sharon, for helping to inspire me. *sniffles*
*sobs* . well, I would cry- but people would stare. ^_~
