A/N: I know I know . . . I haven't finished "Cherish", "Opherion", or "Orphan" and I said I'm going through the writer's block thingy . . . Fact is: I am! Hey . . . first paragraph explains it all . . . and ya know, it kinda helped get the chapters rolling for my three stories! It might still take time though . . . hmm . . . anyway . . . enjoy this while you wait!

(Yeah . . . it might sound lame somewhere)


Music by jez-arinn

As I listen to the strings of my younger brother's guitar, being plucked and played in accordance to the notes laid before his eyes, I brought myself to ponder upon a question: "What is music?"

Or perhaps, more accurately: what is music to me?

All my life, I grew up with this I call music, just as the rest of the world calls it. To me, it really is a magical thing. It calms the soul, and sets loose a flood of emotions, varying in accordance to the mood of a song, or aria, as I prefer to call it.

Often, you will find, when a-listening to an aria - the changing tunes, the voices of talented singers, the strokes of the bow and fingers plucking strings, winds through pipes, and sticks upon skins, vibrating particles - how it changes moods almost immediately, depending on the soul.

My instrument had always been the piano. Soft, smooth, black and white contrasting ivory producing melodies and harmonies beneath the tips of my fingers. Such a pleasantry it is, and how wondrous does it leave me to feel. I control this music, and my soul controls me.

Music is said to be a part of the human soul ever since the beginning of time. It is said that music exists for the expression of the soul, or so I heard. For all emotions and sentiments un-described by words or pictures, music is the loophole that reaches out and touches all mind, soul, and heart.

When I think of music, I can think of nothing more than its spirit. It doesn't matter if you like classics, romance, impressionism, modern, blues, jazz, rock and roll, and the list goes on. What really matters is the language music speaks and the language you speak through music. Knowing another, whenever a stranger, speaking, through your language of music, and finding common grounds, leaves a sense of belonging that truly is belonging.

For some, music becomes inspirational. It allows the flow of creativity to flood the minds of all in creation, exceptionally so for those whose heart is close to music.

I do not know for certain what music really is. What I do know is: music is a part of me and this it will always be.