hunt you down with my trusty hobo knife. ^_^
Warnings: Uh, I don't think that there is anything that readers should be
warned about except for angst. ^_^*
Summary: Who needs a summary? Just read that poem! I mean, hell, my Babble
is longer than the poem! _~
Blankface Babble: Yea, you're all probably just like, "shut up and get on
with it already, you freak! And while you're at it, update the rest of your
stuff!" But since this poem is so damn short, I figure I should at least
make it worth your while by putting up random nonsense. ^_^ And as for the
updates on the rest of my stories, I was planning on spending all of
Thanksgiving break writing, but due to family issues, I couldn't. T_T I'm
halfway through with a sequel to Hero's Song (called Hero's Ballad) and
I've begun on the next chappies of Alexandra and Midnight's Eve. Much
thanks to everyone that reviews my stuff! ^_^
Tell me;
Am I invisible,
Like a pane of window glass?
Am I silent,
Like the world to a deaf?
Am I alive,
And breathing with my lungs?
There really is no need to tell me
Because I know what the answer already is.
To you I do not exist.
I am nonexistent.
Blankface Babble: Ok, so that was really quite strange, but hey, isn't all
my stuff just chocked full of angst and the whole "I feel so worthless"
ideas? Oh well. I know that my faithful readers will lap it up anyways.
^_^ Much love goes out to everyone who reads this and extra love if
someone reviews!