On the Other Side of the Mirror_

CHAPTER 1 (invitations)

Note from author: Hello! I hope you like this chapter. I will add more chapters if I get at least 2 reviews! :) You can probably guess what's going to happen in the middle of the story, thanks to the title. ;) Oh, and I never get when I should make a new paragraph, so please forgive me. 0_o *looks up hopefully with puppy dog eyes* About the story, it's going to be fantasy in chapters to come. And Calypsa represents me. I like a guy who's name is pretty close to Nave.;) Sorry for any grammatical errors!

It was lunch time and Calypsa was sitting at the corner table, all alone, busy studying for her french exam. Her best friend, Coralie, came up to her and said, "Hey Calypsa! Why are you sitting all alone? Come sit with us!" She pointed to the table where she was sitting. A couple of girls from their grade were there, and they were watching Coralie. She dropped her voice and whispered, "look, Zorah's over at the vending machines as well, and she's giving out invitations to her birthday party. If you sit here all alone she'll think you're a loner."

Calypsa looked up suddenly and glanced towards the far end of the room. Zorah, the most prettiest and popular girl in the whole school, was smiling and handing out pink envelopes to everyone in the cafeteria; her long, straight, slick black hair waving around and brushing the eager boys' faces. Calypsa sighed - she had to get to work no matter what. Her exams were next week! "Desolée, Coralie. Je dois reviser mon examen!" Calypsa replied in an upset tone.

"What?!" Coralie asked, her head tilted to one side. She did not have a clue to what her friend was saying. She didn't know a word of french because she took spanish.

"Oh I'm sorry, Coralie! I just kinda got stuck up in my work. Ugh. I don't think I'll ever pass that oral!" Calypsa frowned, her ocean blue eyes sinking.

"Ooh yes you will Calypsa. I can't believe your saying this! You just said something in French didn't you? And it came naturally, didn't it? Oh come on Caly, I promise you'll do great!" Coralie extended a manicured hand towards Calypsa, about to lift her up. Coralie never manicured her hands - ever. Calypsa was surprised that she did. "Oh, um, I had my nails done cos of my aunts wedding - if you were wondering." She said, seeming to read Calypsa's mind. She always did that. Calypsa found it a bit weird.

"Oh." Calypsa said, looking at the hand for a second, then she glanced at Zorah who was meanwhile sucking on a red lollipop and flirting to a couple of fit boys near the vending machine, and sighed. "All right, but i bet we aren't even invited to Zorah's party!" She tossed her dirty blonde hair out of her face and got up with some help from Coralie. They walked towards the vending machine and heard Zorah's conversation:

"So Navy, you like evanescence?" asked Zorah to the cutest boy with black hair which was so black, it looked blue. "Um.. do you?" Nave replied, unsure. "Yes, sweetie, why else would I ask? I have their cd and I love it." Georgo poked Nave in the ribs and Nave blushed because of being called 'Sweetie' by Zorah. "Erm, I love evanescence!" he said - very obvious he was making it up. "Cool. Then what is your favorite song?" Nave struggled for a moment and stuttered "Erm -"

"Hey guys!" Coralie interupted. Calypsa was happy to see Nave's face turn back to normal from relief. She always knew that her best friend came in with the right timing. :) She had a huge crush on Nave, so she might as well. Calypsa smiled at Nave and Nave smiled at Calypsa. Zorah frowned at Calypsa and snapped "What do you want?!"

"Oh, we were just going to get us some cokes and we -"

"Yeah yeah whatever." Zorah rolled her eyes, and handed the two friends pink envelopes. "My mom made me make these for you. I wasn't going to invite you but I had to." She frowned angrily. Then she formed an evil grin. "But you know what you have to do? You need a date. Or else you'll get kicked out."

Nave walked over to Calypsa, and Georgo walked over to Coralie, their hands outstretched. Calypsa was so happy and a warm feeling went through her heart. She took Nave's hand. Coralie did the same to Georgo. After all, she was apparently totally in love with him.

"Sorted." Said Nave's voice, smirking at Zorah. Zorah opened her mouth and scoffed, then ran out of the cafeteria.

Nave turned Calypsa's face towards him and kissed her sweetly on the lips. Then an astonished Calypsa, Nave, Coralie, and Georgo sat at the lunch table together, talking about what a #$% Zorah was, and what they were going to wear to the party. Well, Coralie started the conversation with a random, "WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR!?"

NeXt To CoMe: The party! : ) Where the mirror is.