Cadence breathed consciously. How long had it been? A day? A month? All she could remember was that she had been running as fast as she could, she couldn't remember what from. She opened her eyes, to a blurry sight. The light of day was too much, she squinted and waited for her eyes to adjust. The sent of spring air took over her senses. It was winter before. I'm almost certain of it. Truly Cadence didn't know what she could be certain of. When her eyes finally adjusted, she lifted her head. Only to set it back down with a groan. The pain that pulsed through her body was too much for her to bare at the moment. She studied what she could see in her surroundings.
She lay on a bed made of a rather uncomfortable material . The room she was in was rather dusky, although the window was opened. The window wasn't made of glass she noticed. It had shutters. Almost like the one in Beauty and the Beast in the beginning scene or something, she thought. Weird. On the far left corner of the room was a shinny wooden chair, with a red cushion. Other then that there was almost no furniture, a small dresser stood beside her bed, and at the opposite wall hung a large painting of some sort of battle scene. She was still studying the painting when a young woman walked in. Her hair was rather messy yet a pretty honey color, and it hung down her back and over her shoulders, she seemed to be about Cadence's age, about seventeen, perhaps a year younger, she had very large brown eyes, which grew even larger at the site of Cadence lying there awake.
"She's awake! Aldara! Anwynd! Cerd! Come quickly she's awakened!" Cadence moaned and turned her head to face the window, wherever she was, she had to get back home, she'd probably been away for more then a month, and that couldn't be good. Besides this place is freaky. The girl with the long blonde hair walked up to her, examined her face, while three others walked into the room with a look of anticipation on their faces.
They were a strange group of people. There was one woman, who appeared to be around 22 or so, give or take, with deep blue eyes like the ocean on a cloudy day, her face had elegant features yet the manner of her dress was all but elegant, she wore brown pants that were filthy, with boots that came up to her knees, her shirt was blue with loops and bottons down the middle, it wasn't just as dirty as the pants but dirty none the less. Around her waist was a belt that held a sword, and a dagger was laced around her left boot. Her strawberry blond hair was tied up in a messy bun, with random pieces falling out. Standing beside her was a man wearing a long black cloak, he appeared to be around the same age as the woman, possibly a year or two older, he was rather handsome, though he looked like he hadn't showered nor shaved in a week, his eyes might have been made of emerald, and his hair was auburn, it was hard to tell what he was wearing considering the cloak covered him from neck to his shins, only his black boots stuck out from under. The strangest of the three was the one standing next to the man, he was much taller then them both, he too wore a long cloak, as she studied him it took Cadence a moment to realize what was different about him, aside from the fact that he was twice as tall and twice as wide as the man standing next to him, his skin had an olive tint to it, it seemed leathery, his nose looked like it had been broken more then once, at the nape of his neck began a scar that ran down til the collar of his cloak covered the rest of it, His eyes were brown and orange, he gave Cadence a warm smile none the less.
Something inside of Cadence was laughing like a madman. It can't be . . . No. Way..
The girl stepped aside allowing the others to examine Cadence better. No one spoke, but finally the blonde hair girl opened her mouth and dryly said. "What's your name, girl." as condescendingly as possible. Cadence had expected this.
She smiled slyly. She couldn't believe it. It just wasn't possible. But I might as well have fun with it. Withholding a laugh she answered the girl.
"Hello Lysandra, I am Cadence." The woman named Aldara, took a step back. Cerd's smile disappeared, Lysandra's mouth fell open, Anwynd's eyes simply narrowed.
With one swift motion a dagger was at her neck.